Selectboard discusses budget austerity, trails construction, appointments

Selectboard discusses budget austerity, trails construction, appointments

On Monday the Selectboard again met virtually, with members discussing austerity budget measures, approving reappointments, and reviewing draft request for bids for siding repairs on the Senior Center and construction of the next section of the Town Link Trail on State Park Road.

Vote no on trails funding

Vote no on trails funding

To the editor: With the Charlotte population at approximately 3,800, and according to the trail survey the committee did, seven people use the trail daily…that is a staggering .0018421 percent of our population, and of the 200 people who responded to the survey, that is only five percent of the population.

Selectboard deals with trails, Trust and tractors

Selectboard deals with trails, Trust and tractors

At its Sept. 23 meeting the Selectboard heard requests from the Trails Committee on trail expansion, the Energy Committee on library solar panels, and the Charlotte Land Trust on FY2021 budget requests. The Selectboard also designated the Tractor Parade, to be held this year on Oct. 13, as an official town event, naming committee members, and agreed to continue to sponsor the annual event.