Selectboard address net metering, bond paying and town meeting schedule
Monday’s brief Selectboard meeting was the last for board member Fritz Tegatz and the last before town meeting. The board motioned and approved several routine agenda items, and briefly discussed actions related to the solar net metering agreement RFP.
Draft Net Metering Agreement RFP
A few members from the Energy Committee and the public were present to listen to the update regarding the net metering agreement request for proposals. Selectboard Chair Matt Krasnow said the “goal for tonight was to have the RFP. The Energy Committee requested the opportunity to review the RFP and the timeline was not compatible with this meeting date.” The next Energy Committee meeting is on March 4, and Krasnow said he would attend and request time on their agenda to go over the draft RFP. Krasnow said the next date the draft might be available is for the next Selectboard meeting on March 9. Energy Committee members Rebecca Foster and Dierdre Holmes asked if they could have a draft to review in advance of the committee meeting, and Krasnow said it was possible and to work with the Town Administrator to get the original RFP (see article page 7 for more information).
Town Presentations
The Selectboard heard from three groups requesting time to present during Town Meeting. Trails Committee member Ajat Tariyal gave an overview of their presentation and Article 4. Tree Warden Mark Dillenbeck will speak about his efforts regarding the Emerald Ash Borer. CVFRS Board President Tom Cosinuke said he will give a similar presentation as in previous years: activities in the prior year from a financial standpoint, and their anticipated budget, appropriation and capital spending.
The Selectboard discussed and agreed to give a formal presentation on the town budget. When asked about the organization of the presentations or the Town Meeting procedural format, Krasnow deferred questions to the Town Moderator, Charles Russell. Krasnow responded, “We are not in charge of the meeting, the moderator is.” Krasnow confirmed Russell was not personally invited to tonight’s meeting.
Other Business
In November 2019, Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue completed equipping a fire truck purchased with a $125k bond that was approved in 2017. With just over $10k left over from the bond after all initial expenses were paid, Town Clerk Mary Mead said that there are two options for using those remaining funds: put it toward the principal of the original bond or reserve the money for unexpected expenses relating to the truck. The Selectboard agreed with Mead and approved paying the money toward the principal.
The board motioned and approved a request to use town highways for the Cycle 4 CMT fundraising bicycle ride on August 30, 2020 and a renewal application for food or lodging establishment license for the Senior Center. After brief Selectboard updates on Charlotte Solar and the Charlotte library addition, the board motioned and approved going into executive session to discuss a personnel issue.
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