Future of proposed senior center crosswalk looks bright
Much of the talk at selectboard meetings is about town expenses and where funds will come from, but the Monday, Sept. 23, began with news of a different sort, news
Much of the talk at selectboard meetings is about town expenses and where funds will come from, but the Monday, Sept. 23, began with news of a different sort, news
Replacing the Spear Street bridge over Muddy Hollow Brook is proving to be at least as difficult, expensive and time consuming as was predicted immediately after Hurricane Beryl washed it away in early July — if not more so.
Replacing the Spear Street bridge over Muddy Hollow Brook is proving to be at least as difficult, expensive and time consuming as predicted immediately after Hurricane Beryl washed it away in early July — if not more so.
The Charlotte Selectboard meeting on Monday was in the library, and the library end of the town parking lot was filled a half hour before the Aug. 12 meeting began.
A handful of people spoke in favor of the town of Charlotte adopting a Declaration of Inclusion at the selectboard meeting on Aug. 12, while a handful of people were opposed to adopting it.
After months of discussion, members of the Charlotte Selectboard have put together a plan for saving taxpayer money on municipal employee benefits.
On May 20, at the Charlotte Selectboard’s last regular Monday meeting of the month, a week before Memorial Day, the board paused to memorialize one of its own.
The town of Charlotte is facing some big decisions about renovating the Holmes Creek Covered Bridge.
Charlotte has found itself in the weeds about trees.
Charlotte has found itself in the weeds about trees.
The Charlotte Selectboard is concerned about a large influx of people showing up to the town beach to view the solar eclipse, but isn’t sure if there’s anything they can do about it.
The selectboard heard about important repairs that are required for the Holmes Creek Covered Bridge near the Town Beach at its Feb. 26 meeting.
What if a town held a hearing and nothing was heard?
All voting to be by Australian ballot again this year.
The Charlotte Selectboard entered its meeting on Monday, Jan. 22, with the expectation that it would approve a municipal budget proposal for the next fiscal year, which begins on July 1.
The Charlotte Selectboard continued its recent efforts to shrink the municipal budget by voting to eliminate local oversight on wastewater and water supply permitting on Monday, Nov. 27.
After studying municipal employee compensation, a local volunteer committee has concluded that the town of Charlotte doesn’t need to modify its workers’ health benefits in 2024 to avoid a budget overrun for the fiscal year, which ends next June.
The Charlotte Selectboard meeting began on Monday with chair Jim Faulkner sharing the news that the state police had apprehended someone in connection with a rash of thefts and vehicles broken into over the weekend of Oct. 14-15.
The consulting firm DuBois & King will be arriving in town this fall to begin a nearly two-year process of re-envisioning Charlotte’s historic village centers.
It was the same questions in the same case at the Charlotte Selectboard meeting on Monday, Sept. 11 — and, in the end, the same result for the land dispute between officials and Barb Russ and Dean Williams.