Jamie Valyou brings a career of firefighting to Charlotte
Jamie Valyou was on a path toward work as an accountant when a classmate at Burlington Technical Center needed…
Jamie Valyou was on a path toward work as an accountant when a classmate at Burlington Technical Center needed…
The Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services has hired Jamie Valyou as its new director of emergency services. In this role, he will have overall operational responsibility for all aspects of Charlotte’s fire and emergency medical services.
An open house was held at the Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service building to give the
On Town Meeting Day, Charlotte voters will likely decide whether to approve the purchase of a new ambulance for the Charlotte Volunteer Fire & Rescue Service.
For quite a while, it looked like this year the Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department would become a department of the Charlotte municipal government
Most home fires involving candles happen in December, when one in five home decoration fires also occur.
Charlotte took a major step in the march toward a town-run fire and rescue service on Monday night.
In 2016, there were an equal number of men and women in leadership positions in the Charlotte Fire and Rescue Department.
With the very real possibility that the Charlotte Fire and Rescue Service may change from a private, nonprofit organization…
Charlotte is buzzing with the possibility of changing its fire and rescue service from a separate nonprofit organization into part of the town government.
The selectboard is on the precipice of possibly making a big decision that could have a major impact on Charlotte
The name doesn’t say it all. But it says a lot about the new chief of the Charlotte Fire and Rescue Department — Justin Bliss.
An appropriations increase requested by CVFRS for fiscal year 2022 was the hotly debated topic at the Special Selectboard Meeting on January 17 with the final decision to be made by town voters in March.
CVFRS is required by its MOA agreement with the Town of Charlotte to provide basic and paramedic level rescue services, and to do so with reasonable and appropriate expenditures.
A regular Monday morning turned into an extraordinary one this week for Willa and Eric Lampman. Thirty-five weeks and six days into her pregnancy with twins, Willa went into labor at their home in Charlotte and ended up delivering the babies shortly afterward—one while they were still at home.
CVFRS rescue logs for November,2020
Well, it is that time of the year again. Here are some tips to help you get through our Vermont winters safely.
Before burning any brush or yard waste, please remember to call Shelburne Dispatch at 985-8051 (7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) for a burn permit.
Philo Ridge Farm, through the Frontline Foods Vermont program, donated and delivered lunch to the Charlotte Volunteer Fire and…
Here are the important recommendations from the Vermont Department of Health as of 3/26/20 to help all of us deal with this challenge. Please visit healthvermont.gov for up-to-date information about the steps to take to keep you, your family and our community healthy.