The tell is in the smell

The tell is in the smell

All creatures are endowed with some means of defense. Over time, ancestors of the striped skunk of New England developed a memorable and unique means of warning possible attackers. When it feels threatened, it stomps its front feet and puffs up as much as possible to suggest strongly that you cease and desist from your forward progress.

Death in the forest: The profound process of tree mortality

Death in the forest: The profound process of tree mortality

To understand how to take care of forests, we first need to understand what they are and how they work. While most peoples’ understanding of them starts and ends with trees, forests are complex, dynamic communities comprised of many different organisms and the processes that affect them.

Musings on our connection to nature

Musings on our connection to nature

A couple of books got me thinking about how we depend upon and how we share a relationship with nature. One was Philip Caputo’s The Longest Road, a story of his drive from the southernmost point of America—Key West, Florida—across the continent to the northernmost Alaska coastline on the Arctic Ocean and then back again, a round trip of over 16,000 miles.