Finer points of LURs nailed down, now ready for public comment

Finer points of LURs nailed down, now ready for public comment

The Planning Commission held a special meeting Sept. 24 to mark up and approve a final draft of the Charlotte Land Use Regulations amendments. The purpose of the meeting wasn’t to develop policy, which has been in progress for the last year, but rather to identify and clarify any outstanding gray areas in language or policy.

Review of East Charlotte Village plan and Act 143 continue

Review of East Charlotte Village plan and Act 143 continue

The January 2 Planning Commission meeting moved the vote on the next steps for East Charlotte village incrementally closer. The commission largely agreed on the proposed village commercial boundaries as presented by Vice Chair Charlie Pughe in an updated map. Members discussed adjusting the boundary line on Hinesburg Road to the middle of the right of way, similar to the proposed boundary line on Spear Street. Member Marty Illick preferred the consistency, “in terms of planning for utilities in the future.”

Act 143 and the Future of Farming in Charlotte

Act 143 and the Future of Farming in Charlotte

The Town of Charlotte has a long history supporting agriculture and attracting residents who value a working landscape. Throughout our state, farms provide numerous services in their communities: fresh food, jobs, diverse small businesses and open landscapes, as well as a range of ecosystem services from water quality to wildlife habitat, healthy soils and the mitigation of climate change. And yet, farming in Vermont is endangered: The state has lost approximately 10 percent of its farms every year for the last five years.

Planning Commission considers updates to driveway standards

Planning Commission considers updates to driveway standards

The Thursday September 5 Planning Commission agenda featured only two items and four members: a sketch plan review and a discussion about updating the 1997 driveway construction standards. The commission deferred a joint discussion with the Selectboard about Act 143 and the Charlotte Land Use Regulations concerning agricultural businesses to Sept. 19 because two members of the Selectboard were not able to attend the Sept. 5 meeting, though representatives from Philo Ridge Farm did appear for the discussion and provided written input to the board before departing.