Three Questions

Three Questions

Here at The Charlotte News, our goals are to produce papers that serve our community with local news and articles of interest and to give voice to the views of Charlotte residents. We’re curious about what our readers value in the paper, so we asked three questions to several Charlotters.

Let’s go digital

Let’s go digital

Normally we’d just walk to our mailboxes every other Thursday and find the next edition of The Charlotte News. But for our July 23 edition, we’re going digital-only. The printed paper will be back again on August 6 for the rest of the year, and, we expect, far beyond.

The last word

The last word

The word “last” has a lot of definitions; in our April 23 email newsletter, it appeared in the first sentence of the first article, referencing a previous issue of the paper. Unfortunately, with all this bad news floating around about newspapers, “last issue” looked like it meant something it didn’t. No need to panic: It should have read, “most recent” or “previous.”

The News Board asks for your donations

The News Board asks for your donations

At a time when 2,000 U.S. newspapers have either laid off staff—including just in recent days Seven Days and VTDigger—or closed shop altogether, The Charlotte News is also struggling. As covid-19 wreaks havoc on the local businesses that have helped sustain the paper for decades—and for which we are immensely grateful—we anticipate that our advertising revenue, which makes up about two-thirds of our income, will take a hard hit over the next weeks and months.

News from The News

News from The News

The board of directors was significantly reshaped this year. Rick Detwiler, Patrice Machavern and Louisa Schibli (see below) left the board, and John Quinney, Lane Morrison, Ted LeBlanc, Claudia Marshall, Jack Fairweather and Christina Asquith joined it. The board also elected John Hammer as our first-ever emeritus trustee in recognition of his long, distinguished and continuing service to the paper as a board member and officer, financial supporter and voluntary Selectboard reporter. We’re now at full strength as a board and looking forward to a productive 2020 and beyond.

Cub reporters take on hard-hitting news

Cub reporters take on hard-hitting news

Jack Fairweather, journalist and board member of The Charlotte News, takes on his toughest assignment yet as the mentor for the News’ Journalism Club, working with cub reporters on hard-hitting news involving dairy cows and hot dogs, among other topics. Readers can look forward to reading contributions from these enthusiastic and intrepid reporters in issues to come. Any students who are interested in meeting after school on Tuesdays are welcome to join.

We can’t do this without you

We can’t do this without you

In our readers survey last year, you asked for more coverage of local news in the paper. As the headlines above show, we heard you. We’re continuing to enhance our coverage of our town, with increased reporting of local news and more feature stories about the people and businesses that make Charlotte a vibrant and beautiful place in which to live.

Thank you Charlotte for a successful fundraiser

Thank you Charlotte for a successful fundraiser

What a wonderful evening at Philo Ridge Farm on May 5—sunny day, big crowd, great music and a spectacular venue. All of us here at The Charlotte News would like to thank owners Peter Swift and Diana McCargo, as well as our hosts for the day, Meriwether Hardie and Tad Cooke, for inviting the community to the Farm as a way to support the paper. The tours were special (the sheep!) and the food was exceptional. By the way, the farm market is now officially open for the summer season from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day.

The News and Philo Ridge Farm to host spring fundraiser

The News and Philo Ridge Farm to host spring fundraiser

The Charlotte News and Philo Ridge Farm invite you to join us in a family-friendly community gathering on Sunday, May 5, from 4 to 7 p.m. with local music, delicious food and farm tours that will offer the inside scoop on the workings of Philo Ridge Farm before it officially begins its new spring season on Monday, May 6.