News from The News

News from The News

Fundraising. Thank you to everyone who responded to our 2017 fundraising appeals. We finished the year having met our fundraising goal, and because of the support of both our donors and our loyal advertisers we enter 2018 in good shape financially. We look forward to your continued support in the new year.

News from The News – Help us reach our goal!

News from The News – Help us reach our goal!

At this time of the year, we traditionally give thanks for all that we have. One of the good things we Charlotters have had since 1958 is The Charlotte News, a nonprofit community newspaper that reports on and celebrates the people, places and happenings in this town that we love. Your donations help make our work possible.

Charlotte News fundraising update

Charlotte News fundraising update

To date we have raised $13,000 of the $20,000 we need from you, our readers, to finish the year with a balanced budget. If you have made your annual contribution to support The News, thank you. If you haven’t done so yet, please consider a contribution in any amount. You can contribute at our website,, or by mailing a check to The Friends of The Charlotte News, P.O. Box 211, Charlotte, VT 05445. All contributions are fully tax deductible.

In its diamond jubilee year, The News moves into the West Village

In its diamond jubilee year, The News moves into the West Village

On Wednesday, August 2, a hot summer day, The Charlotte News moved from the obscurity of the Ferry Road Business Center on the other side of the railroad tracks up the hill to the historic white house at 2848 Greenbush Road, in the center of the West Village diagonally across from the Old Brick Store.