Justice and Poetry for All

Justice and Poetry for All

In a special celebration of African-American poetry, the first event in an annual series called Justice–and Poetry–For All produced by the Sundog Poetry Center, will take place Fridayevening June 22, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, at the historic Barn House on the Clemmons Family Farm in Charlotte- one of the largest African-American owned historic farms in Vermont.

Repair Café coming up!

Repair Café coming up!

Do you need something fixed? Transition Town Charlotte and our Hinesburg friends will be hosting our second Repair Café from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 19, at the Hinesburg Town Hall. A Repair Café is a community gathering where we come together to socialize and fix each other’s stuff. Why?

Green Up Vermont 2018:  Let’s pick up this town together!

Green Up Vermont 2018: Let’s pick up this town together!

Did you know that Vermont was the first state to designate a day of the year to clean up litter along the roadsides? And on that day in 1970, participation and results far exceeded expectations: 95 percent of the 2,400 miles of the interstate and state roads and 75 percent of the 8,300 miles of town roads were cleared of garbage! Thanks

Public Invited to Open House to Comment on Mt. Philo State Park Draft Plan

Public Invited to Open House to Comment on Mt. Philo State Park Draft Plan

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources is hosting a meeting to provide an opportunity for public input on the draft long-range management plan for Mt. Philo State Park. The meeting will be held on Thursday April 19, 2018 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Charlotte Central School on Hinesburg Road in Charlotte, Vermont.

Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

pril 6
Stellaria Trio presents: Dark horses. Violinist Letitia Quante, cellist John Dunlop and pianist Claire Black of Charlotte perform Beethoven’s Piano Trio No. 6 in E-flat Major and Dvoák’s Piano Trio No. 3 in F Minor, two robust, delightful and yet lesser-known works by these celebrated composers. 7:30 p.m. at the Richmond Free Library in Richmond. Free admission. Donations welcome.

The Charlotte Grange annual spring rummage sale

The Charlotte Grange annual spring rummage sale

The Charlotte Grange #398 will hold its annual spring rummage sale on Friday, April 27, and Saturday, April 28. For the Grange to hold this very popular event, we need willing volunteers to help us accept donations, set up the sale and staff the two sale days. If you can come and help us, even for an hour or two, please let us know.  

Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

March 21-Relationships Across Difference: A Conversation series with Fran Stoddard at Join moderator Fran Stoddard, Vermont PBS producer/host, for a provocative three-part series exploring relationships across differences. Distinguished guests will engage in conversation from their unique perspectives; from engagement with the natural world, each other, and diverse spiritual traditions, and how that may help to bridge the divide. Free & open to the public: donations gratefully accepted at the door. Registration is not required but recommended

Girl scouting around the world

Girl scouting around the world

It has been a very busy beginning to the year 2018 for our local Charlotte Girl Scout Troop 30066.  The cookie sale – Girl Scout cookie sales began on the first of January, as many of you are aware of, since a number of you had young Daisy, Brownie or Junior Girl Scouts braving the sometimes frigid temperatures to knock on your doors in anticipation of making a cookie sale. 

Local nonprofits team up for post-Thanksgiving fun

After several seasons of the Internet Cat Video Festival, Homeward Bound and Town Hall Theater are changing things up and offering a film festival on Saturday, Nov. 25, devoted entirely to dogs. The Bow Wow Film Festival is a traveling, dog-centric film festival that celebrates, educates, and inspires all things doggie through the art of short film.