Girl scouting around the world

It has been a very busy beginning to the year 2018 for our local Charlotte Girl Scout Troop 30066.
The cookie sale
Girl Scout cookie sales began on the first of January, as many of you are aware of, since a number of you had young Daisy, Brownie or Junior Girl Scouts braving the sometimes frigid temperatures to knock on your doors in anticipation of making a cookie sale.
Our Girl Scout cookie sale is our major fund raiser for the year and helps to defray the cost of many of the fun and exciting activities we participate in each month. It is also a learning tool for our girls as they learn and follow the five basic skills of selling. First, they set a GOAL as to how many boxes they would each like to sell. Second comes DECISION MAKING, deciding when and where to sell cookies, how to market their sale and what to do with their earnings. Third, they learn MONEY MANAGEMENT: they develop a budget, take cookie orders and handle their customers’ money. Fourth, they develop PEOPLE SKILLS by talking with and listening to their customers as well as learning how to work as a team with other girls. Last, but not least, they learn BUSINESS ETHICS. The girls act honestly and responsibly during every step of the cookie sale.
We have had a very successful cookie sale thus far, selling a little over 1,600 boxes together as a group, which are now being delivered to your homes or businesses. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us along the way; however, we are not finished selling yet. If by chance we missed you on the first leg of our cooking-selling journey, or maybe you have decided you didn’t purchase enough boxes the first time around, fear not, you still have time to stock up on those delicious Girl Scout cookies before they disappear again for another year. We will be holding a Girl Scout cookie booth sale at the Shelburne Supermarket on Saturday, March 17, from 9 a.m. until noon. Stop by and purchase a few boxes. Remember, they freeze really well.
Girl Scout World Thinking Day
In February the girls prepared for and celebrated Girl Scout World Thinking Day. Each year, on February 22, Girl Scouts participate in activities and projects to honor their sister Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in other countries. It is a special day in the Girl Scout year when we remember we are part of a worldwide movement. We decided that we would like to share some fun and educational activities with Girl Scouts from neighboring towns by hosting our very own Girl Scout World Thinking Day.
The girls first picked a country to represent: Peru, Japan, Kenya, Scotland, Italy or Malaysia. They then went to work to find information about their country that they could share with others. This included the Girl Scout promise, a simple recipe that they could prepare and share, and a craft that they could make and teach to others all while dressing in native garb. Next, we shared our plans and invited other troops from neighboring towns to come join us, which allowed all of the girls to also learn about the Netherlands and Guatemala.
Our gathering was attended by close to 40 Daisy, Brownie, Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts from Charlotte, Hinesburg, Shelburne and South Burlington, who happily participated in learning how to make Peruvian batik prints, Italian stained glass, African Abayomi dolls, Japanese koi-fish salt paintings, Scottish sporrans, Guatemalan worry dolls and origami tulip folding from the Netherlands, all while feasting on such delicacies as Scottish shortbread, Italian love cake, and Japanese tea just to name a few. It was a wonderful morning filled with lots of Girl Scout camaraderie.