Public Safety Fun Fair at Fire and Rescue

Public Safety Fun Fair at Fire and Rescue

On Saturday, Sept. 22, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services welcomes the public for a day of fun and education for all ages. Residents of Charlotte and neighboring towns are invited to visit with public safety providers from a variety of organizations, watch live demonstrations that will include CPR, vehicle extrication, fire demonstrations, and much more. 

Town Link Trail underpass opens for business

Town Link Trail underpass opens for business

About 70 people turned out to enjoy live music, great food, neighborhood camaraderie and the ribbon cutting ceremony at the new underpass under Route 7 on the Charlotte Town Link Trail. Charlotters of all ages arrived by foot and by bike to participate in the grand opening. Laurie Thompson, co-chair of the Trails Committee, Lane Morrison, chair of the Selectboard, and Clark Hinsdale, who initiated the idea of the underpass with the State of Vermont many years ago, all spoke at the ceremony before the ribbon cutting. Several local farms and businesses donated food for the event. 

Sixth annual race, sponsored by Royal Savage Yacht Club and Point Bay Marina, draws 22 boats

Sixth annual race, sponsored by Royal Savage Yacht Club and Point Bay Marina, draws 22 boats

A light rain was falling early on Saturday, August 18, as boats and sailors gathered at Point Bay Marina in Charlotte for the sixth annual Diamond Island Regatta. It was a cool, overcast, blustery morning, with a stiff wind from the north blowing down Lake Champlain.

Author Judy Chaves shares secrets of Mt. Philo

Author Judy Chaves shares secrets of Mt. Philo

A full house welcomed local author Judy Chaves to the Charlotte Grange Hall on Friday evening for a presentation about her new book and book signing. Judy, the author of Secrets of Mount Philo, A Guide to the History of Vermont’s First State Park, held the attention of her audience as she related the history of the park and talked about the principles responsible for its creation and the now well-traveled road up the mountain.