No major changes at CCS, but the Quonset hut could be on its way out

No major changes at CCS, but the Quonset hut could be on its way out

The Champlain Valley School District, which is comprised of six schools in four towns, has one big budget that covers the needs of every school in the district. This is the second year after local schools merged to form one district and the school budget went from being a town-based issue to a district-wide vote.

What body of water separates the Australian states of Victoria and Tasmania? Vega knows.

What body of water separates the Australian states of Victoria and Tasmania? Vega knows.

Vegarandhura Tariyal.Charlotte sixth grader Vega Tariyal said that for his final question at the Vermont state finals competition of the National Geographic GeoBee, his nervousness ranked a three out of 10. “I was more nervous in the beginning,” he said, during the preliminary rounds.

Students investigate questions and create explanatory performances

Students investigate questions and create explanatory performances

A new student group has formed at Charlotte Central School in which students are asking big questions and then performing the results of their inquiry. “We research for answers and when we are done, we create a performance to explain our findings to our peers,” said founder Deirdre Higgins. The inspiration for the group came from fellow students Grace Zappala and Emma Metzler, who were wondering why people kick.

Charlotte students attend March for Our Lives event

Charlotte students attend March for Our Lives event

On Friday, Oct.19, Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivors Emma Gonzalez, David Hogg and Alex Wind visited Burlington as part of their March for Our Lives tour. They spoke at the First Unitarian Universalist Society, which was packed with people, sitting on the ground in the back and pulling chairs up as well.

Vermont Day School wins Champlain Mini Maker Faire award

Vermont Day School wins Champlain Mini Maker Faire award

Take your mark…get set…..go! On Saturday, Sept. 22, Vermont Day School students participated in the Champlain Mini Maker Faire and challenged the community to a Great Zucchini Race. Visitors to the booth were presented with a design challenge to create an ergonomic vehicle out of a zucchini, using wheels, axles and a variety of creative materials, ranging from pipe cleaners to cardboard and feathers to duct tape.

CCS strives to sustain community collaborations and seeks new opportunities

CCS strives to sustain community collaborations and seeks new opportunities

This past Friday, the Charlotte Central School Parent Teacher Organization and my CCS co-principal, Jen Roth, and I hosted a New Family Social as an opportunity for new families to get an overview of how the school and the PTO work together to provide opportunities for the students of CCS.

CCS students learn fire safety from CVFR

CCS students learn fire safety from CVFR

On Friday, Sept. 14, Charlotte Central School 5th through 8th grade students participated in fire safety training with the Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue. Firefighters Jordan Paquette and Fritz Tegatz talked with students on the dangers of fire, shared safety tips when dealing with a fire and demonstrated how to use a fire extinguisher. The students also got some hands-on experience with the fire hose.