Yes, wear pants: Etiquette for online meetings
A critical reminder that school and business meetings require attention to details
A critical reminder that school and business meetings require attention to details
Champlain Valley School District families received a recorded phone call Monday evening from Director of Operations Jeanne Jensen.
On Tuesday evening members of the Champlain Valley School District School Board met in an unusual session to discuss the implications of moving from a building-based system to a remote-service delivery system.
The past ten school days have certainly presented us all with a huge learning curve! While many parts of this learning have been deeply challenging and sad, so many aspects have been incredibly uplifting and encouraging.
The Junior Reporters Club has been meeting enthusiastically and digitally since school became a home-based activity. Along with Jack Fairweather, a board member and journalist, I have been meeting with them online twice a week or so to go over story ideas and change the background on our Zoom meeting settings with dizzying frequency.
CVU class of 2020, as your class advisor I know this is not how you expected to finish the final leg of your senior year in your high school journey, in your lifelong journey. This was to be our year, and, with fingers crossed, we were going to make it the best. Ever.
The March 17 Champlain Valley School District board met remotely against the backdrop of the uncertainties related to school suspension of operations due to Coronavirus. The discussions were largely focused on maintaining traditional work and planning for a board retreat on May 28
The coronavirus is not dampening people’s spirits. Anica Gruber is one of those people. She is a ninth grader at Champlain Valley Union High School and we came to her with questions.
“One of the things is trying not to worry and to keep a positive spirit when they come into the store. Other than that, I’m washing the door and counter, definitely,” Carrie Spear, owner of Spear’s Store, said.
We interviewed some families, and learned that most kids would rather be at school than at home. For example, 4th grader Parker Trono hasn’t gone anywhere except outside.
Following is a letter from the Champlain Valley School District. In addition to the broad communication from the district office, Charlotte Central School Co-Principal Jen Roth said in an email, on behalf of the school, which was open March 16 and 17, “Our CCS faculty and staff have done a remarkable job using the precepts of our school to model the calm necessary for our students to feel safe and to carry on with what they know. At a time with many uncertainties, we need to hold onto what we believe.
Recent weeks showed a conflict between the Charlotte Selectboard and the Champlain Valley School District regarding a contract sent to the board earlier this year informing the town that they are responsible for footing the bill for any security the school district hires for election days and town meetings that take place in Charlotte Central School.
After a four-year absence, baseball is back at Charlotte Central School, and a new sport is ready to go: track and field is now one of the school’s middle school spring sports offerings, joining the already-popular March volleyball team.
Greenhouse gas is a big problem. It causes fires, flooding and the species extinction. Everybody must take part in stopping greenhouse gas. Every single person in this world must take part. The world takes care of us. Now it is our turn to take care of the world.
Julia Lollis, winner of this year’s CCS Scripps spelling bee, with co-principals Stephanie Sumner and Jen Roth. Say the word, spell it, then say it again: this is the mantra for all participants in the Charlotte Central School Scripps Spelling Bee.
At the Champlain Valley School District school board meeting on January 21, the board weighed educational goals, equity concerns, and various budget constraints to approve a budget that will be put in front of the voters on March 2 and 3. Among the educational needs and goals were the immediate needs for a guidance counselor and administrative support at CVU, and the imperative to ensure equity among all schools in their educational offerings and support services. In addition there is an effort to provide more intensive services within the district for students with emotional and behavioral problems. These requests were met by reshuffling of personnel, creatively using grants, and requesting additional personnel.
The Champlain Valley School District, of which Charlotte Central School is a part, would receive $4.5 million of the $6 million that’s up for a bond vote in March. On Town Meeting Day, voters in Charlotte, Shelburne, Hinesburg, St. George, and Williston will decide via Australian ballot whether or not the capital improvement project is a go. All five towns need to approve the bond vote in order for it to pass.
The Champlain Valley School District has been selected to be a partner in the Agency of Natural Resources Electric School and Transit Bus Pilot Program! The announcement reads:
The Dec. 17 CVSD School Board meeting focused on the operations budget, the part of the budget that deals with maintenance, food service, transportation and technology services. This side of the budget also includes the management of the capital-needs budget.
Both men’s and women’s hockey teams stand at one win, one loss as of last Saturday. In their opening game on Wednesday, the CougarHawk women, a combined team with CVU and Mount Mansfield Union, could not find the net in a 10-0 loss to another combined team, Burlington/Colchester.