CVSD and VT NEA racing the clock
While other states have already rolled out plans for public school openings in the fall, Vermont is still trying to figure out what education will look like for students in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
While other states have already rolled out plans for public school openings in the fall, Vermont is still trying to figure out what education will look like for students in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
It is now abundantly clear that there will not be a Grand Re-Opening of the Senior Center any time soon. Nor is there a phased re-opening plan.
As much as we may wish it to be so, the coronavirus emergency is not over, and it’s sad to say that life is not returning to normal anytime soon. You have probably heard that Gov. Scott stated that senior centers may open— but the problem is that “open” does not really mean “open open.”
The big questions on everyone’s minds these days are when? And how? It looks as though they will not be answered for at least a while. While Gov. Scott has extended the quarantine to May 15, that is very possibly not going to be the final word on the topic. Is Vermont really looking at a re-opening day in May? Or June? Or sometime after that? No one knows for sure at the moment.
On Tuesday evening members of the Champlain Valley School District School Board met in an unusual session to discuss the implications of moving from a building-based system to a remote-service delivery system.
Being able to make choices can be a wonderful, liberating thing. There are so many levels of importance regarding the choices we make – from ethical to mundane.
As you can see, the Spring Schedule is not inserted in this issue of this paper as promised last time. The following Charlotte News issue of 3/5 will include the Spring Schedule which covers March, April and May. In addition, on 3/1, it will be posted on our website:
Since it is now 2020, this brings to mind eye and vision testing. But aside from the more mundane meanings of eyesight and observation, vision has such wonderful synonyms: imagination, creativity, insight, awareness, discernment, foresight, etc. While there are physical ways to correct eyesight, perhaps the best way to improve (non-physical) vision is practice – just like stretching your body. It’s something to think about.
“I find I think of myself not as a writer so much as someone who provides a gateway, a…
On Oct. 3 at 12:15, there will be an A.E.D. review (automatic external defibrillator); please sign up for that in advance by calling the Center. And that same day, from 2 to 7 p.m., the Senior Center will host a Blood Drive in affiliation with the American Red Cross. To register to donate, please contact The Senior Center is famous for its friendly hosts, great snacks and comfortable atmosphere.
It’s glorious to have the lake to cuddle up to in the summer; now that the nights are getting cooler, we will soon be returning to land—and our quilts.
“The technologies which have had the most profound effects on human life are usually simple. A good example of…
Do you often pay attention to the many shades of green that are part of the lushness around us? Hunter green, Kelly green, avocado, emerald, sage, olive, mint, citron, seaweed, jade, lime, etc. Imagine how different it would be if there were only one. Do you have a favorite shade? Mine is celadon.
“Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly.” – Pablo Neruda, 100…
“And so, with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow…
Returning last weekend from Seattle, it was clear the party had already started there—about a month ago. Unfortunately, the temperature had not caught up with the flowering trees, so my jacket was necessary.
Well, yes—and sometimes, no. The numbered spot where I park my car in front of my place has a significant indentation and loves to gather all the water available from surrounding areas. Not a puddle—more like a pond. Maddeningly, the water is only at the driver’s side rear door and not on the passenger’s side at all. Of course, this rear door is the one I use to stash my items to take to work, etc.
“Music comes from an icicle as it melts, to live again as spring water.” ~ Henry Williamson Just today,…
So many words for cold: nippy, frigid, freezing, brutal, brisk, refreshing, crisp, bitter, glacial, biting, piercing, numbing, raw, arctic – and a few others I’ve never heard of, like gelid and brumal. But, living in Vermont, we all know that there is cold – and then there is COLD.
Winter in Vermont: Snowy. Cold. Dark. Umm, how about two out of three? For me, the snow (the more the better) and the cold (okay to -20F) present both a challenge and an adventure.