Senior Center News – January 9, 2020

“Nothing is more imminent than the impossible . . . what we must always foresee is the unforeseen.”
~ Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

“Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.”
~ Henry Miller.

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”
~ Helen Keller.

Since it is now 2020, this brings to mind eye and vision testing. But aside from the more mundane meanings of eyesight and observation, vision has such wonderful synonyms: imagination, creativity, insight, awareness, discernment, foresight, etc. While there are physical ways to correct eyesight, perhaps the best way to improve (non-physical) vision is practice – just like stretching your body. It’s something to think about.

Courses Starting Soon
Here are more new courses at the Senior Center. Be sure to call the Center, or visit our website at, for expanded information about these courses and many, many others.

Friday, 1/10 from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Writers Gathering on Fridays. Monthly, second Fridays. Ongoing. Now in the process of re-forming, this self-directed group is looking for those who enjoy words and writing—stories, autobiographical pieces and poetry. Read and discuss your pieces, listen to those of others and offer encouragement all around. Please register to indicate your interest. No fee.

Tuesday, 1/14, from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Traditional Rug Hooking for Beginners. Dates: 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4 & 2/11. Learn the basics of rug hooking while creating a small project. No supplies needed for first class. Hook and fabric kit included in fee. Maximum 10. Registration required. Fee: $110, payable at the start of the course, or before.

Friday, 1/17, from 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Writing Your Life Story. Dates: 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7 & 2/14. You’ve got your story to tell, but what to include and what to leave out? Explore storytelling techniques and utilize in-class exercises to help move you along. Registration required. Fee: $60 for the five-part series, or $12 per class.

Wednesday, 1/22, from 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Basic Cartooning. Dates: 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12 & 2/19. With simple step-by-step demonstrations learn what it takes to draw cartoon people and how to make them express their emotions using just dots and lines. This is a great talent to share with the younger set. Fee: $36 for the series, or $8 per class.

Friday 1/31, from 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Unique Impressions . In this three-hour workshop, enjoy the process of printmaking without a press by using super-sensitive gelli plates. Each print will be one of a kind. Once dry, your prints can be further included in mixed media work, or used as cards or as pages for a handmade book. Registration required. Fee: $35, includes materials.

In conjunction with our Charlotte Library friends, there are two workshops with Susanna Kahn, the library’s tech librarian: iPhone for Beginners, on Mon., 1/20, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and iPad for Beginners, Mon., 1/27, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.. The two separate, hands-on classes will cover home-screen navigation, basic gestures, how to connect to Wi-Fi, common settings and how to find and install apps. There will be time for practice and questions. Please bring your iPhone, preferably updated to the latest iOS. No fee. Registration is required.

Library Director Margaret Woodruff will lead the four-part discussion group on Short Stories for Winter, Wednesdays, 1/29-2/19 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Possible readings are: “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” by Ernest Hemingway, “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, “Lost in the Snow” by Mark Twain, “The Lady with the Pet Dog” by Anton Chekhov.

Wednesday Afternoons – Free Events at 1:00 p.m. No registration
1/15. Gardening and Mindfulness with Cheryl Wilfong. As an award-winning garden writer, blogger and mindfulness teacher, Cheryl explores the parallels between nature and human nature. Stories from the garden teach us the big lessons of life – including impermanence, change, aging and, Cheryl’s favorite subject, composting. At 2:30 p.m., after the talk, consider staying on for Mindfulness Meditation with Jill Abilock. There is no fee and no registration is required. These classes are usually twice a month, with the following one on 1/29.

1/22. Ghana ~ An African Surprise with Hank Kaestner . In this talk, Hank will open your eyes to Ghana, the most modern of West African countries.
In addition to the obligatory wildlife (with lots of birds, of course), he will share his experiences learning about the slave trade. Included are the incredible cultural sites of religion and commerce that make Ghana such a special place to visit.

1/29. First Aid Basics ~ A Review with John Snow. In this introduction to first aid, participants will learn a number of basic skills as well as a simple process for determining what might be wrong with a patient and how to provide appropriate assistance. No previous training is necessary, and all are welcome. [Please note that this is not a certification class.]

Health Event
On Wednesday morning, 1/22, the Foot Clinic requires preregistration. The Blood Pressure Clinic on the same day at 11:30 a.m. is open to walk-ins, however. The following foot clinic will be on Wednesday, 3/4.

Art & Music
Sunday, 1/19, from  1:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m. is Shape-Note Singing in the Great Room. This traditional, a cappella four-part harmony has been called “full-body, shout-it-out singing.” And the more voices shouting, the better. Songbooks are provided. A “good voice” is not required. Stop by to listen or sing, and leave whenever you wish. No fee.

The two-month Art Exhibit: “Challenge Quilts ~ Black & White Plus One,” continues to the end of January. These are the responses to the challenge put to the Champlain Valley Quilters to use only three colors. Be sure to check viewing times, as the exhibition space is used for many classes, as well.

Winter Weather Closings
When there is iffy weather, remember that the Senior Center follows the school closures of Champlain Valley School District (CVSD). Closings are announced on local TV and radio stations, on the CVSD website, on our website, and on the Senior Center’s phone greeting.

The best times to see the art exhibit in January
Mondays and and Wednesdays at noon, Thursdays and Fridays after 12:30 p.m. Please call the Center during the week to check on Sunday availability.

Do visit our website for more details and menus. If you have questions, would like to register, or ask about volunteering – please call (802) 425-6345, or stop by Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

We are at 212 Ferry Road, Charlotte, right across from the post office. The Senior Center’s mission is to serve those 50 and up. Residents from other communities are always welcome. There are no membership fees.

See you soon!

And may we all improve our vision in 2020.

Charlotte Senior Center
(802) 425-6345

Lunch Menus

Monday Munch
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No reservations required.
January 13
Beef & barley soup, salad, homemade dessert
January 20
Chicken Caesar salad, chocolate cake

Wednesday Lunch
All diners eat at noon. Reservations required.
January 15
Stuffed cabbage, fruit & nut pudding
January 22
Kielbasa, German potato salad, brownies

Thursday Gents Breakfast
7:00–9:00 a.m. Reservations required.
January 9 & 23
Menu and Topic – TBA

Keep up to date on menus at our website and on Front Porch Forum, as they sometimes change.

If you enjoy The Charlotte News, please consider making a donation. Your gift will help us produce more stories like this. The majority of our budget comes from charitable contributions. Your gift helps sustain The Charlotte News, keeping it a free service for everyone in town. Thank you.

Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors