Senior Center News – March 20, 2019
“Music comes from an icicle as it melts, to live again as spring water.”
~ Henry Williamson
Just today, a friend of mine in Washington, D.C., emailed me a photo of daffodils growing. . . outside. Shocking! We live in such different worlds and barely give it a thought. My friend enjoyed her years working in Singapore because she prefers a hot and humid climate, so I just love to impress her with those far-below-zero windchills from our winters. But I am SO over that—and am loving those rivers of musical icicles.
Free Events, Wednesday afternoons at 1 p.m.
Today, 3/20, join Marty Morrissey and Robert Resnick of the Highland Weavers Band along with songster Patty Shannon for Irish Music, a slightly belated celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. They will probably sneak in some other music, as well—for a fine, fun performance.
On 3/27, the twice-delayed slideshow history and discussion of Cuba After Fidel will be presented (at last) by Vince Crockenburg. His look at Cuban-American relations—including the numerous American attempts to destroy popular support for the Castro regime— will cover from 1959 through the first year of Miguel Diaz-Canel’s presidency.
On 4/4, garden designer Charlotte Albers will return to the Senior Center with images of English Gardens of the Cotswolds from her tour last spring of England’s National Trust Hidcote Manor, Sezincote, and the garden designed by Rosemary Verey in Gloucestershire. See why the region’s wool production and historic villages create a top tourist destination.
Other Events and Courses
Today, Wednesday, 3/20, our popular Birding Expeditions with Hank Kaestner begin again with Trip #1. The group carpools and meets 10 min. before departure at 9:00 a.m. Registration is required in case of weather changes. Other dates for this season are 4/3, and now 5/8 and 5/22. (Note the revision, and the one for 5/15 is cancelled.) When you register, please be sure to indicate all the dates you are interested in. No fee.
Want to start writing or get back into the practice? Consider signing up for our new writing course: Write Now! It has been rescheduled to begin Thursday, 3/21, and it will run for 6 weeks. Instructor Laurie MacMillan guarantees a supportive and stimulating environment for everyone. She will use writing prompts, art visuals and useful writing tips. There will be time for in-class writing, sharing work and discussion. Course meets from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. on 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, (no class on 4/11), 4/18, 4/25 & 5/2. Registration required. Fee: $68 for the 6-week series. Please note that these dates are accurate; unfortunately, the printed calendar omitted 3/21.
Join the free Intro to Feldenkrais® on Tuesday, 3/26, from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. p.m., to get a taste of how the gentle, mindful movement of this practice can bring self-awareness to increase ability, move from pain to pleasure, and feel greater ease and vitality.
In April, the 5-week Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® course begins on 4/2 at the same time; lessons will address getting up from the floor unaided. Fee is $75 for the series. Registration is required.
Please remember that the Center’s eight other exercise classes all welcome new participants at any time. It is possible to start whenever you wish and pay per class—or for an entire session of several weeks. Some are free, most are $8 or $10 each visit. The Center also welcomes potential students to watch or participate for one class with no charge. Please check the printed Spring Schedule or visit our website, for more details.
Don’t forget that if you would like to learn Mahjong, the group meets on Tuesday afternoons and is happy to teach you. Duplicate Bridge always welcomes new, experienced players, and there are other groups that play cards in the afternoon on Wednesdays and Sundays. Do call for more information about them.
Mindfulness Practice, on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. is free and will continue through 3/27. On Wednesday, 4/3, the time will change to 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m., and instructor Jill Abilock will begin teaching an eight-week course titled Mindfulness for Life. It offers a personal toolkit of techniques to help you meet life’s challenges with strength and ease and deepen fulfillment from all of life’s joys. Beginners welcome. Fee: $20 for the 8-week series. Registration required.
Meanwhile, Aerobic Spring Tune-Up, Spanish Grammar Review, French for Travelers and French Conversation have all gotten off to great starts and will still welcome newcomers. Lynn Cummings’ Watercolor Exploration that begins 4/2 for 6 weeks is now adding names to the waiting list. Her 3-week Acrylic Adventures course in May still has space; it also meets on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
Spring Road Hike #1, with Marty Morrissey, is on Tuesday, 4/30, but before that you have the option to try out Strolling in Charlotte, each Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. The idea is a self-guided walk on the flat, gravel, Town Link Trail with the goal of meeting up with others at the Senior Center to carpool. Sign up for the dates you are interested in and see who shows up. No minimum number, and you decide about the weather—there are no ‘official’ cancellations. No fee. Call in or stop by to register in advance for each week.
On 4/18 is Living with Chronic Pain from the UVM Health Center. It is for those with chronic pain for more than 3–6 months, including musculoskeletal (neck, shoulder, back, etc.), neuropathic and post-stroke pain, fibromyalgia, and more. The six-week workshop benefits those with Crohn’s disease, IBS, diabetic neuropathy, or severe muscular pain from conditions like MS. There will be techniques to deal with frustration, isolation, fatigue, poor sleep; exercises to improve strength and endurance and to pace yourself; and tips for discussing pain. It is held Thursday afternoons from 1-3:30 for 6 weeks and there is no charge. Registration required for the 6-week series.
Art Shows
The March Art Exhibit featuring Cindi Robinson’s photography continues to the end of this month. Her subjects are primarily landscapes or cityscapes, and, as with most exhibitors, Cindi’s pieces are available for purchase. When you plan to visit the show, be sure to note the best times to see Art Exhibits below since the Center’s exhibition space is used for many other events and classes and could be unavailable to visitors.
The April Art Exhibit will be “Potpourri,” a variety of works in watercolor, acrylic and mixed media by Lynn Cummings and her students. The May Art Exhibit will feature the dramatic bird and insect photography of Peter Riley.
Best times to see Art Exhibits in March: Tuesdays after 2:30 p.m., Wednesdays after 2:30 p.m. (March only), and Thursdays and Fridays after 12:30 p.m. You might also catch a quick peek at about noon on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please call the Center during the week to check on Sunday afternoon availability.
There is still more to come later in April and May: There are 8 more very varied Wednesday events at 1:00p.m.; as well as Pastel Painting, Play Reading, more Road Hikes, more Birding Adventures, more Shape-Note Singing, and the Annual Plant Sale. Whew. (No time for bingo!)
And, I almost neglected to mention great food (as usual) on Mondays at 11:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at noon—along with the Gents Breakfast on alternate Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m.. In particular, on April 1 (no fooling), Philo Ridge folks will be returning to the Center’s kitchen to prepare Turkey Chili and Cornbread as part of Monday Munch. Yum!
Shush. . .Listen, do you hear the musical icicles now?
Lunch Menus
Suggested donation for all meals: $5
Monday Munch
11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. No reservations required.
March 25
Greek Cheese & Spinach Squares, Roasted Carrots & Cauliflower, Apple Coffee Cake
April 1
Turkey Chili & Cornbread (compliments of Philo Ridge Farm), Cottage Cheese & Fresh Veggie Sticks, Homemade Dessert
Wednesday Lunch
All diners eat at noon. Reservations required.
March 20
Chicken Cordon Bleu, Steamed Broccoli, Homemade Dessert
March 27
Beef Bourguignon, Homemade Dessert
April 3
Meatloaf & Roasted Potatoes, Steamed Asparagus, Homemade Birthday Cake & Ice Cream
March 28
Gents Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Reservations required. Menu: TBA. Topic: TBA
Keep up to date on Menus with Front Porch Forum, as they sometimes change.