Senior Center News – Aug. 22, 2019

The technologies which have had the most profound effects on human life are usually simple. A good example of a simple technology with profound historical consequences is hay . . . It was hay that allowed populations to grow and flourish among the forests of Northern Europe. Hay moved the greatness of Rome to Paris and London, and later to Berlin and Moscow and New York.”

~ Freeman Dyson

So, interesting to consider, especially since those of us who are not farmers take hay as a given. And then. . . there are those wonderful round hay bales, although some folks would prefer the familiar old square ones. As for me, I adore the round ones dramatically scattered all over the fields, which seem like abstract sculptures ready for a landscape artist to paint. They make me smile every time I drive by them.

In this issue, you will find the Fall Schedule that covers September, October and November, and it is out a little earlier than usual. Please make a note that signups for courses and some events will begin on Thursday, 8/29. That said, there is one exception: the trip to the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum on Wednesday, 9/ 4, will be accepting earlier sign-ups because it comes at the beginning of the month. (See below for more information.)

As you will see in the new schedule, there are many post-summer, returning courses, such as Watercolor Painting with Lynn Cummings, French Conversation and also French for Travelers with Alysse Anton, Holiday Origami with Gail Martin, Feldenkrais with Mischul Brownstone, and Bake for Good with Library Director Margaret Woodruff and Tech Librarian Susanna Kahn.

Some new items are Italian for Travelers with Nicole Librandi, Mask Making and also Mexican Arts Fiesta with Linda Finkelstein, and a trip to the Chittenden Solid Waste District Recycling Plant in Williston.

In October, Age Well will begin comimg to the Senior Center once a month to sell Universal Restaurant Tickets for $5. These non-transferrable tickets can be used at participating restaurants on designated days, and they are good for one year. This is exciting—and so much more convenient than having to go to Essex to purchase them!

The last Boating on Lake Champlain trip with Al and Nancy Martin is slated for 9/5. It has a waiting list already, but call Fraya Smith at (802) 539-2180 to be added to that, as things can change, especially if weather necessitates a new date.

Fall Hikes in the Champlain Valley return with Mike Yantachka taking over for Marty Morrissey. Janet Yantachka has agreed to lead Strolling in Charlotte twice a month. Hopefully, Janet’s presence will reassure some folks to come along and stroll the flat Town Link Trail with her.

Health news
Wednesday, 9/4, at 11:30 a.m. is the Blood Pressure Clinic that accepts walk-ins. The Foot Clinic, starting at 9:15 a.m., requires registration and is already full with a waiting list. These clinics are offered at no charge by staff and volunteers from Community Health Improvement at UVM and are regularly staffed by Martha McAuliffe, RN, Julia Jacques, LPN, and Samantha Wendell.

Wednesday Afternoon Events at 1:00 p.m. —after lunch
The Downsizing with Suzanne Lourie event on 8/14 was well attended and will probably be offered again next year in case you missed this one. She calls it “rightsizing,” and it seems to be a never-ending story for just about everyone.

8/28: Rokeby Museum Tour, Ferrisburgh
Please meet at the Senior Center to carpool. “The Museum brings the Underground Railroad vividly to life.” The visit includes a guided, one-hour tour of a historic house with 200 years of domestic belongings. On your own afterward, visit the “Free and Safe” exhibit in the Welcome Center and some of the nine historic farm buildings with agricultural artifacts. Return arrival time is approximately 4:00 p.m. Please preregister. Cost is $9, checks payable to Rokeby Museum upon arrival. Maximum is 12.

9/4: Lake Champlain Maritime Museum with Ron Ulmer
Meet at the Senior Center to carpool to the museum at Basin Harbor. At your own pace, visit exhibit buildings and view educational short videos about Lake Champlain, regional heritage, and boating. Return arrival time is approximately 4:00 p.m. Registration required. Minimum 5. Museum fee paid on arrival: $12.

Art news
For the remainder of August, two artists have graciously agreed to jump into the breach and hang their work until 8/30. Waterscapes in oils by Judy Tuttle are in the foyer, and abstracts in acrylics by Robin Grace are in the great room.

Tomorrow, 8/23, is the deadline for submitting your applications for the 13th Annual Senior Center Community Art Show. If you have trouble meeting that deadline, please call the Center to let us know. Very important: Artwork must be delivered on Wednesday, 8/28, between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

The limit is two pieces, any medium, no larger than 2’x3’, and they should be ready to hang with your own wires or hooks—before you drop them off. The request is that they have not been shown previously at the Senior Center. Stop by to fill out the registration form; if you have any questions, please contact, Judy Tuttle art show coordinator, at (802) 425-2864.

The best times to see art exhibits in August & September 
Tuesdays after 12:30 p.m., Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Thursdays after 12:30 p.m., Fridays after 12:30 p.m. Take a quick peek at noon on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please call the Center during the week to check on Sunday availability.

Do visit our website, for more details and menus. If you have questions or would like to register, please call (802) 425-6345, Monday – Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. We are at 212 Ferry Road, Charlotte, right across from the post office. The Senior Center’s mission is to serve those 50 and up. Residents from other communities are also welcome.

Please note that the Senior Center is closed on Monday, 9/3, for the Labor Day holiday. We reopen on Tuesday, 9/4. Enjoy the last long weekend of summer.

See you soon!

Lunch Menus
Monday Munch
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No reservations required.

August 26
Zucchini (no noodle) lasagna, greens, surprise pie

September 2
Labor Day Holiday. Center closed.

Wednesday Lunch
All diners eat at noon. Reservations required.

August 28
Taco salad, key lime pie

September 4
BLTs, homemade birthday cake & ice cream

Thursday Gents Breakfast
7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Reservations required.

August 22 and September 12
Menu: TBA | Topic: TBA

Keep up to date on menus at our website, and on Front Porch Forum, as they sometimes change.)