Lynn Monty resigns as editor. Search for a new editor begins

Two weeks ago, on Nov. 15, Lynn Monty resigned as editor in chief of The Charlotte News. Lynn had been the editor of the paper for the past 15 months and in that relatively short time brought a new level of richness and vibrancy to the paper. We are grateful for the hard work she put into editing The News and wish her well in her future endeavors.

The board of directors has begun a search for a new editor in chief and hopes to have one in place for the Jan. 10 issue of the paper. In the meantime our contributing editor, Edd Merritt, our advertising manager, Monica Marshall, and our layout manager, Anna Cyr, have stepped up to organize the production of the Nov. 29 and the Dec. 13 issues.

If you are interested in applying for the position or know of someone who might be, please contact Vince Crockenberg, president of the board. Further information about the position and application procedures will be posted on the website.

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors