This newspaper continues because of your generosity
We want to share our gratitude for the 320 people who made more than 400 gifts to help keep The Charlotte News alive and thriving as we enter our 65th year of nonprofit journalism in Charlotte.
We want to share our gratitude for the 320 people who made more than 400 gifts to help keep The Charlotte News alive and thriving as we enter our 65th year of nonprofit journalism in Charlotte.
Dear Readers: We’re closing out our fund drive for 2022 and want to share our gratitude for the 320 people who voluntarily donated to keep The Charlotte News alive and thriving.
We’re looking for someone to help us cover CVU sports for The Charlotte News.
“We’re running around like blue-assed flies” is Kiwi slang for “We’re really, really busy,” a common condition during holiday season.
Welcome aboard, Meredith and Thank you Gay
We may not have ever met but I’m pretty sure about one thing: you’re busy. I get it. AND you’ve got a lot of demands on your time and calls for your money.
Here at The Charlotte News, we’ve been busy making big plans, specifically, a brand-new, five-year strategic plan. We have a new mission and a new vision, and we’re pretty excited. We think you will be onboard, too.
What a difference a year makes in the life of a community newspaper.
I’ve lived in Charlotte for 28 years. For most of that time, I knew nothing about the people who got the local paper to our mailbox every couple of weeks.
Your local, nonprofit newspaper is asking for your financial support today. We need your participation to continue to expand…
On Aug. 29, The Charlotte News sent out a last-minute email to supporters and friends of the newspaper.
For more than two decades, this newspaper has gone to print with a variety of editors able to breathe easier and relax more fully from the tension of surviving story deadlines.
Sometime last week, we noticed folks switching from the question, “How is your summer going?” to “How was your summer?”
Maybe it’s just me, but summer in Vermont is beyond compare. And summer in Charlotte just takes the cake.
There’s a well-worn saying comparing the making of laws to the making of sausages. The point being … you really don’t want to see how either one is made. The word “grizzly” comes to mind.
Late last year, the Charlotte selectboard voted to establish a development review board.
I’m sitting in a meeting or hearing a talk about something I’m really invested in. Without noticing I’ve moved forward, an unconscious attempt to lean in, to hear better. I’m literally on the edge of my seat.
If you didn’t notice anything odd about this headline, this story is probably not for you.
The Charlotte News held a gathering for writers who are regular contributors to the newspaper at the Senior Center last week.
The town of Charlotte suffered a big loss on Wednesday, March 23, with the death of Edd Merritt. But for The Charlotte News this was a huge loss.