Rescued with a good lunch

Rescued with a good lunch
Rescued with a good lunch. Left to right: Assistant pastry chef Molly Hadwin from Philo Ridge, AEMT Mikeala Natale, AEMT Mike Kelleher, and Meg Dawson, pastry chef at Philo Ridge Farm. Photo by Patrice Machavern.

Philo Ridge Farm, through the Frontline Foods Vermont program, donated and delivered lunch to the Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service (CVFRS) staff on Friday morning. CVFRS said they are grateful for the farm’s generosity and that the meals were delicious. “We would also like to thank Kelly Devine, Charlotte resident and Frontline Foods Vermont coordinator, for pairing local restaurants with local essential workers during the pandemic. Having people in our community take care of our staff so we can take care of our community means so much to all of us. It truly does take a village!”

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors