Meet CVFRS Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Jenna Lindemann

Meet CVFRS Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Jenna Lindemann

Jenna Lindemann was born in 1991 and raised in Shelburne. Her father is an insurance professional and her mother is an expert seamstress and sewer who applies those skills at an interior design firm. Jenna also has an older brother who lives in Maryland and works on fighter jets.

Emergency planning update

Emergency planning update

With recent headlines describing hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, earthquakes, hazardous spills and a host of other natural and man-made disasters nationally, it is worth taking a moment to review what all of us can do to make sure that we are prepared for an extreme weather event or if a small-scale disaster hits us here in Charlotte. As a town we are required to have an emergency plan that provides the Selectboard, fire and rescue services and the road commissioner with a check list for procedures and resources they may draw upon should a major event affect our town.

Meet the new CVFRS Corporate Board

Meet the new CVFRS Corporate Board

Corporate President Tom Cosinuke grew up in Pennsylvania and graduated from Westtown School and Gettysburg College. Tom has been lucky to live in Vermont for the past 35 years. He is married to a seventh-generation native Vermonter Annie Kelton but is nevertheless still a flatlander. Tom joined Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services (CVFRS) three years ago.

September is Nation Preparedness Month

September is Nation Preparedness Month

Did you know that September is Nation Preparedness Month? With all the news lately the recent hurricane disaster in Texas and the south seems far away, but the video footage of total strangers and neighbors helping others in need is heartwarming and encouraging. Many of us will contribute to the response effort down south in some way, but there are some things we can do right here that might be very helpful should even a small extreme weather event hit our town.

Volunteer fire department training night a success

Volunteer fire department training night a success

Two fire chiefs, Shelburne Chief Jerry Ouimet and Charlotte Chief Dick St. George,
oversee extrication drills conducted last week. The new “Jaws of Life” tools are battery powered instead of hydraulically powered. The big advantage is portability. No generator is needed with the new tools, and no hydraulic hoses need to be hauled to run them.