Vermont’s “Merino Mania”

Vermont’s “Merino Mania”

If you spend time in the woods, chances are that you will stumble upon an old cellar hole, stone wall or agricultural implement rusting among the trees. These cultural artifacts are striking and speak to the strange and fascinating history of European settlement in Vermont, which is intertwined with the history of our forests. In most areas of Vermont, I would classify human disturbance as the largest influence over the condition of our forests as they currently exist. The history of how this came to be is a story of settlement, war and mania.

Around Town

Around Town

to Edorah Glazer of Charlotte, the principal at Robinson Elementary School in Starksboro, who has been meeting with 24 other educators in the Vermont School Leadership Project’s class for 2018. The project is sponsored by the Snelling Center for Government and has been in existence for 13 years. Its goal is to help school administrators, including special education and curriculum directors, develop the skills and knowledge to operate effectively. Those who were selected have shown good capabilities in these areas of their work already. The course began in July at the Lake Morey Resort, and Edorah and the others will complete seven sessions over 13 months.

Trails Talk: bike transportation

Trails Talk: bike transportation

Many articles online discuss bike transportation trails—on and off road. The advantages of biking to work, for errands, to friends’ houses or just for fun are many. Bike Commuting’s Worst Enemy Isn’t What You Think is written by Arian Horbovetz, a Strong Towns member and blogger at The Urban Phoenix. The following article is republished from his blog, with permission.

Around Town for Oct. 18

Around Town for Oct. 18

Congratulations: to Charlotte resident and Middlebury physician Dr. Jeanne Andersson-Swayze who, as a member of Heart to Heart International’s Disaster Response Team, went to both Florida in September and Puerto Rico recently to give medical aid to storm victims. Her team in Puerto Rico headed inland to small and often remote towns.

Memorials and monuments still have importance in Charlotte

Memorials and monuments still have importance in Charlotte

Monuments and memorials are a big part of representing history in America. A great number of these honor soldiers who served in various wars. Charlotte remembers the soldiers who served from our town with two monuments and two memorials. These include the World War I monument, World War II monument, Fred D. St. George memorial and the Alan Bean memorial.

Extreme weed growth along shoreline

Extreme weed growth along shoreline

Property owners on Long Point in North Ferrisburgh decided to form a “Weed Committee” to study the problem. After many months of research into causes and weed-control methods, and after speaking with their neighbors and other lake associations, the committee decided to organize an education event to inform lake users about the weed problem.