Senior Center News – Dec. 5, 2019

Senior Center News – Dec. 5, 2019

Yes, we are deep into the December night—and getting up before the sun has never been one of my favorite things to do. But I keep reminding myself that the Winter Solstice is getting closer and closer. And then, just as winter really begins, we get back into lengthening days. In the meantime, I manage the dark mornings with a strand of those tiny, multi-colored Christmas tree lights around my kitchen window—until March.

Senior Center News – Sept. 19, 2019

Senior Center News – Sept. 19, 2019

On Oct. 3 at 12:15, there will be an A.E.D. review (automatic external defibrillator); please sign up for that in advance by calling the Center. And that same day, from 2 to 7 p.m., the Senior Center will host a Blood Drive in affiliation with the American Red Cross. To register to donate, please contact The Senior Center is famous for its friendly hosts, great snacks and comfortable atmosphere.