Senior Center News – Feb. 6, 2020

A rat is a rat.”
~ Sonny Bono

“You dirty, double-crossing rat.”
~ James Cagney

Can’t you just hear Cagney saying that line in your head? As you know, in this country, we view rats as pests which also symbolize negative qualities: untrustworthiness, destruction, disease. Consider then, The lunar Year of the Rat which just began this month. “In Chinese culture, rats were seen as a sign of wealth and surplus; married couples prayed to them for children. . . Rats are clever, quick thinkers; successful, but content with living a quiet and peaceful life.”[] So, “A rat is a rat” – except when it’s something else, entirely.

Health Event
A friendly reminder that our Blood Drive is today, Thurs., 2/6, from 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. If you’ve never been here, it’s very comfortable – with genial hosts and great snacks. To volunteer to donate, please call the Red Cross at 1 (800) 733-2767, or go to the Red Cross website.

Courses and Notes
Thurs., 2/13, from 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Creating Handmade Books with Linda Finkelstein. In this fun three-hour workshop, learn how to make a simple hand-sewn book and also an accordion book. Bring items to collage for the creation of your fabulous books combining imagery and words. Fee $35, includes materials. Pre-registration required.

Sun., 2/16, from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Shape-Note Singing. This traditional, a cappella, four-part harmony has been called “full-body, shout-it-out singing” and is also known as Sacred Harp. No performances and no auditions; a “good voice” is not required. Songbooks are provided. Leave your shyness at home, and come try it out. Listen or sing, and leave whenever you wish. No fee. No registration required.

Short Stories for Winter with Library Director Margaret Woodruff has gotten off to a good start, and Margaret is considering having more discussions on other collections in the future. (You might want to pass on any suggestions on to the Library.) This series continues until the end of the month, and no new ones have been planned yet.

Don Stevens, current Chief of the Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe, spoke on The Circle of Life and Native American Belief Systems last Sunday, and it was exciting to have a very attentive full house. Don says he’d be happy to return – so stay tuned.

Likewise, Writing Your Life Story has participants and instructor Laurie McMillan leaving class with big smiles on their faces. A little inspiration can go a long way and perhaps function as a kind of health tonic. It is on tap for continuing in the spring – and possibly beyond.

Wednesday Afternoon – Free Events at 1pm. No registration
2/12. More Paths to Wellness with a panel of four professionals
Here is your opportunity to learn about other paths to wellness from the four very experienced and well-trained panel members who will introduce their special fields briefly, with time for your questions.

Emelia Brogna, Doctor of Physical Therapy ~ Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on treatment technique that encourages the body to heal itself. Through gentle touch, therapists gently encourage the production and distribution of the cerebrospinal fluid. When the central nervous system functions well, health improves: muscles relax, circulation increases, pain and swelling decrease.

Mischul Brownstone, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher® ~ The Feldenkrais Method uses gentle movements and directed attention to help people learn new and more effective ways of moving and living the life they want.

Tina D’Amato, Doctor of Osteopathy ~ Osteopathy, a branch of medical practice that focuses on whole-person diagnosis and care, includes the use of medication and surgery, in addition to manipulation of the bones, joints, lymphatics, and muscles.

Liesje Smith, Certified RolferTM ~ Rolfing is a technique of deep tissue manipulation aimed at the release and realignment of the body, and the reduction of muscular and psychic tension

2/19. A Personal History of Beer & Brewing in Vermont with Bill Mares. The former legislator, teacher, journalist and home-brewer will talk about beer, home-brewing and the craft beer industry in Vermont. Mares, the author of Making Beer, is the co-owner of the House of Fermentology which is now part of the “agricultural campus” at Nordic Farms in Charlotte.

2/26. Antarctica’s White Wilderness with Patrice MaComber. Come learn about the history and wildlife of Antarctica, our chilliest continent.

Art News
The February Art Exhibit is 2020 Hindsight: A 25-year Retrospective of Barbara Waters’ Artistic Explorations. Her work includes abstract personal reflections and nature-inspired works in oil, acrylic, gouache, graphite, and collage, as well as collagraph and monotype prints. In the foyer, the 12-panel oil, “Lifeline,” honors the emergence of life from the void, its dance through time, and disappearance back into the void. Don’t miss this one – it’s a big show with more than 60 pieces. Be sure to check on viewing times. All are invited to the Artist’s Reception on Sat., 2/8 from 1:30-3:30. This is your opportunity to meet the artist and hear about her creative process.

The Spring Schedule will be included a bit early with the next issue of this paper and also posted on our website on 2/20. Please note that signups will begin 3/2. Please call (802) 425-6345 to register after that date – or kindly mail in your registration.

Winter Weather Closings
When there is iffy weather, remember that the Senior Center follows the school closures of Champlain Valley School District (CVSD). Closings are announced on local TV and radio stations, and the CVSD website, as well as on our website.

The best times to see art in February 
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at noon, Thursdays and Fridays after 12:30 p.m. Please call the Center during the week to check on Sunday availability.

Do visit our website for more details on course listings, events and menus. If you have questions, would like to register, or ask about volunteering – please call (802) 425-6345, or stop by Monday. – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.. We are at 212 Ferry Rd., Charlotte, right across from the post office.

The Senior Center’s mission is to serve those 50 and up. Residents from other communities are always welcome. There are no membership fees.

Stop in and say hello. See you soon!

Lunch Menus
Suggested donation for all meals: $5. Keep up to date on menus on our website.

Monday Munch
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No reservations required.
February 10
Fassolakia Iadera (green bean, potato and zucchini stew), green salad, homemade dessert
February 17
Tortellini and zucchini soup, greens, apple dumplings, fresh fruit

Wednesday Lunch
All diners eat at noon. Reservations required.
February 12
Broccoli quiche, butternut squash patty, hot fudge sundaes
February 19
Oven-fried chicken, cauliflower/roasted red pepper, gratin, rhubarb crisp

Thursday – Gents Breakfast
7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Reservations required.
February 13 & February 27
Menu and topic – TBA

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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors