Charlotte Senior Center News
“I’m happy to report that my inner child is still ageless.”
~ James Broughton
Haven’t we all been a little surprised at the person looking back at us in the mirror? We are a little like an iceberg (but in the warmest sort of way)—there is so much more below the surface. That person who ran track in high school or skied competitively or sang solos is still there. They are just smiling off stage somewhere. So, just think about it: We are all just observing a particular moment in time of each person we encounter. (Easy to remember when it is you, harder to remember when it is someone else.)And whenever you have a chance, say hello to your inner child—you both will be glad you did.
The new Fall Schedule is finally out!
It is an insert in this edition and is also posted at the Town website under the Senior Center tab. Of course, you are welcome to stop by the Senior Center for additional copies. If you would like to register for courses, please call the Center at (802) 425-6345, come in, or mail in the registration slip. (Registrations are not accepted by email.)
Today 9/5
Foot Clinic begins at 9:15 a.m., prior registration is required. Blood Pressure Clinic is at 11:30 a.m., walk-ins are welcome.
Presentation at 1:00 p.m.: Visit Hidden Italy with Louis Giancola, an Italian American who has been traveling there since 1968. See Events paragraph below for more information.
New courses next week
This month, two new courses will start on Tuesday, 9/11. At 10:00 a.m. join us for the first of a free, 3-session Introduction to Chess, offered by Ajat Tariyal, who has been playing since he was child. And, if you can already carry on an conversation in French and want to stay in practice, then consider the new French Conversation Circle. It is for intermediate and advanced speakers and meets from 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons. Instructor Alysse Anton is a native speaker and also teaches at Alliance Français. Session I is $60, or $12 per class.
If you want to get outside while the weather is still nice, Fall Road Hikes resume on 9/25 and will continue throughout October with our intrepid Marty Morrissey. Pre-registration is important. Coming very soon is a Birding Expedition with informative and friendly Hank Kaestner on 9/19, followed by the last one on 10/17; pre-registration is also necessary for these.
The 17th season of the popular Dream Day on Lake Champlain boat trips with Al and Nancy Martin is (sadly) winding down. The final trip on Sept. 13 is full, but if you are interested, do add your name to the waiting list. Please contact Fraya Smith directly at (802) 425-2473. Changes happen—you just might get on.
Kayaking for Women has two more trips scheduled—9/14 and 9/28. To register your interest, please email Susan Hyde directly. Registration is required. There is no fee.
Exercise and Health
It goes without saying that the Center’s popular health and exercise classes continue: Chair Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Fitness at Any Age, Pilates, Dance and Movement, Strength Maintenance, Yang Tai Chi Chuan (beginners), Tai chi Practice (advanced), Mindfulness and Feldenkrais. There is something every morning, and abilities can be accommodated in most of the courses.
September Art Exhibit
Throughout this month, the Center’s Annual Art Show is on display in the Great Room. The 42 pieces were created by 26 artists; mediums include watercolors, oils, ceramics, acrylics, photography, fused glass, wood, pastels and monoprints. (If you are an artist and did not have time to make this show, there is always next year!) Please come visit, and be sure to check the times the Great Room is not being used for classes or presentations.
Viewing Art Shows: Since the Center is used for many classes and events, the best times to see art shows are: Tuesdays & Wednesdays after 3:00 p.m.; Thursdays and most Fridays after 12:30 p.m. Call the Center to check on Sunday availability.
Now that summer is over (and everyone’s families and friends have left), the Charlotte Senior Center is resuming Wednesday afternoon presentations and events. Today, Wednesday, Sept. 5, at 1:00 p.m., visit “Hidden Italy” with Louis Giancola, an Italian American who has been traveling there since 1968. In this travelogue, you will see the Greek ruins in Agrigento, the seacoast beauty and Greek theater in Taormina, views of Mt. Etna, Alberobello with its iconic UNESCO ‘’trulli” homes, Lecce with its Baroque architecture, and the Adriatic region of Southern Italy. You will also learn some useful Italian travel phrases for your next trip to Italy.
On Sept. 12 at 1:00 p.m., is a presentation by Richard Kerchner titled “The Conservation and Rescue of the Lost Shul Mural.” Learn how an interdisciplinary team worked together over two years to move a 105-year-old triptych mural to Burlington’s Ohavi Zedek Synagogue. This example of traditional Eastern European, painted synagogue art is rare since nearly every synagogue in Eastern Europe was destroyed during the Holocaust. Kerschner, an art conservator, directed conservation efforts at the Shelburne Museum for 32 years, retiring in 2016.
Dear to my heart is shape-note singing—also known as sacred harp. (The sacred harp term comes from the resonance in the body of the singer.) The monthly ‘sing’ at the Senior Center (with the Charlotte VT Shape-Noters) is every third Sunday from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. The next one is 9/16. We sing centuries-old church music a cappella, in four-part harmony. For those new or experienced. No auditions; songbooks provided. Stop by to listen or sing, and leave when you wish. No fee. Yes, there is a learning curve—but it’s worth the effort.
The Shelburne Farms Formal Gardens and Tea Tour will be on 9/19 with Pam Lord, a knowledgeable, volunteer guide there for more than 25 years. Pre-registration is required, and we meet at the Center at 2:00 p.m. to carpool for a tour of the Inn’s main floor, select bedrooms and the formal gardens. At 3:30 p.m., a casual, self-service afternoon tea with sweets and savories ends the afternoon. Maximum is 12, and the fee is $20 in advance.
Lots more is coming in October: Drumming Workshop with Stuart Paton of Burlington Taiko, Watercolors Gone Wild! with the popular Lynn Cummings, iPhone Help, October Book Group, a trip to Lemon Fair Sculpture Park in Shoreham on 10/5. Whew.
Be sure to check the schedule for the full list of courses, presentations and events throughout September, October and November.
See you soon.
Charlotte Senior Center
(802) 425-6345
Monday Munch
11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. No reservations required.
September 10
Tomato Soup with feta, grilled cheese sandwiches, raspberry streusel bars & ice cream
September 17
Corn chowder, Greens, Apple bread pudding
Wednesday Lunch
All diners eat at noon. Reservations required.
September 5
Three-cheese pizza, tossed salad, birthday cake & ice cream
September 12
Sausage & mushroom quiche, fresh fruit skewers, lemon bars with raspberry sauce & whipped cream
September 19
Chili dogs, chips, orange creamsicle floats
Gents’ Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Reservations required.
September 13
Menu and Topic – TBA
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors