Unexpected bill from school district catches Selectboard off guard

Unexpected bill from school district catches Selectboard off guard

Town elections have been held at Charlotte Central School for decades; the space is the largest public indoor area in town, and up until two years ago, Charlotters owned and operated the school. In the last two years, since consolidation with four other towns into the Champlain Valley School District, municipal events that have operated the same way for years are suddenly facing new regulations based on CVSD policies now that the school district owns the building.

Charlotte Town Charter in final weeks before sunset clause takes effect

Charlotte Town Charter in final weeks before sunset clause takes effect

In 2016, the Town of Charlotte passed, by Australian ballot, Town Meeting Article 9 by a vote of 1,148 to 349. The article put in place a municipal charter that changed the way Charlotters vote for the Selectboard’s budget. That municipal charter will expire on Town Meeting Day this year unless voters choose to extend it.

Voted but not over: petitions aim to bring wastewater vote to town meeting

Voted but not over: petitions aim to bring wastewater vote to town meeting

At a special meeting earlier this month, the Selectboard voted 4-1 to approve sewer use and sewer allocation ordinances that will allow the town-owned wastewater system in the West Charlotte Village to be leased by private businesses. Two petitions are currently circulating in town, one per ordinance, to disapprove of this Selectboard decision. If the petitions gather enough signatures, the issue will be put in front of voters for a voice vote at town meeting on March 3.

Selectboard focused on 2021 budget, ambulance services and wastewater ordinance

Selectboard focused on 2021 budget, ambulance services and wastewater ordinance

At its Jan. 13 meeting, the Selectboard meeting focused again on the FY2021 budget, interspersed with routine motions and approvals on a highway access permit, the Thompson’s Point wastewater budget, system contracts and leases. The board also received an update from CVFRS on the potential to provide ambulance services to Hinesburg and discussed the West Charlotte wastewater ordinance petition.

Hey, whatcha doin’ Monday night?

Hey, whatcha doin’ Monday night?

Last spring, there was a controversy in Charlotte. The issue was over a request for proposals made by the Selectboard for tree removal. The parties involved made their dissatisfaction with the process known through Front Porch Forum posts, there was general uproar, and the Selectboard scheduled a special May 1 meeting to address the situation.

Selectboard passes sewer ordinance 4-1

Selectboard passes sewer ordinance 4-1

Monday night’s Selectboard meeting began with the much-anticipated vote on the West Charlotte village wastewater ordinances. Chair Matt Krasnow opened with a recap of the work the wastewater committee and board had done to date. He noted that if the board passed the ordinances, more work is to be done. “There will still be some heavy lifting needed to get them to be effective in generating and calculating the fee schedule,” he said.

Working session on wastewater anticipates Dec. 16 Selectboard vote

Working session on wastewater anticipates Dec. 16 Selectboard vote

Monday’s Selectboard meeting began with a working session on the West Charlotte Village wastewater ordinances and ended four and a half hours later in an executive session on Charlotte Solar. Approximately 20 people attended the working session, several representing or speaking in support of the Charlotte Children’s Center and Charlotte Health Center.

Flushing out the details: Selectboard moves closer to wastewater decision

Flushing out the details: Selectboard moves closer to wastewater decision

The Selectboard is working its way toward a decision about wastewater and septic usage in the West Village; as the process moves closer to resolution, however, the issue is still misunderstood by many in the community. The board plans on two more public discussions of the matter before voting on the municipal septic system’s future and, by default, on the future of the Charlotte Children’s Center and the Charlotte Family Health Center.

Selectboard: Paths, poles and lots of pink

Selectboard: Paths, poles and lots of pink

The agenda for the Oct. 14 meeting of the Selectboard included discussion with Trails Committee members on the proposed construction of the State Park Road path and budget reviews of several groups. Routine procedural agenda items such as approval of repairs to the Thorpe Barn and contract with P&P Septic for maintenance of the town wastewater disposal were dealt with quickly as the night progressed.

Selectboard deals with trails, Trust and tractors

Selectboard deals with trails, Trust and tractors

At its Sept. 23 meeting the Selectboard heard requests from the Trails Committee on trail expansion, the Energy Committee on library solar panels, and the Charlotte Land Trust on FY2021 budget requests. The Selectboard also designated the Tractor Parade, to be held this year on Oct. 13, as an official town event, naming committee members, and agreed to continue to sponsor the annual event.

Agenda shifts with Selectboard chair absent

Agenda shifts with Selectboard chair absent

Several items deferred to future meetings, short-term rentals discussed. Monday’s Selectboard meeting started with Vice Chair Frank Tenney at the helm and an agenda ahead of schedule. With Chair Matt Krasnow absent and the presentation on the upcoming tractor parade not quite ready, several agenda items were deferred to a future meeting, including the repurposing of the old playground equipment still at the Town Beach, discussion of the Recreation Commission mission statement and improving accessibility to Town Hall.

Village wastewater ordinances head to town attorney for review

Village wastewater ordinances head to town attorney for review

Monday’s Selectboard meeting convened a bit late due to a site visit to Thompson’s Point. Members viewed the town-owned property by boat, with the houses along the lakeshore appearing “well maintained” said Selectboard member Louise McCarren. A second site visit to view portions of the property being leased, brush hogged and mowed is scheduled for September 9.

Draft village wastewater ordinances unveiled at special Selectboard meeting

Draft village wastewater ordinances unveiled at special Selectboard meeting

The West Charlotte Village Wastewater Committee presented two draft wastewater ordinances to the Selectboard and members of the public during Monday’s special meeting solely devoted to the topic. The meeting was “intended as a work session and an opportunity for public input and comments,” said Selectboard Chair Matt Krasnow.