Winter’s coming. Now what?

Winter’s coming. Now what?

The stress of living with the coronavirus in our midst for the last six months has been alleviated in part by the opportunity for social interactions with friends and neighbors outdoors where the risks of virus transmission are greatly diminished. But the reality for those of us living in Vermont is that with the onset of winter these encounters are less feasible.

How resilient are we? Inquiring minds want to know

How resilient are we? Inquiring minds want to know

As I write this update, we are close to finalizing the details of the community resilience survey. The unofficial COVID-19 team, Charlotte Community Partners, is busy making final tweaks to the community resilience assessment and figuring out how to make it as easy as possible for everyone to access, complete, and submit it. And, more importantly, how to make sure everyone knows about it and why it’s important to the future of Charlotte.

The flu and you

The flu and you

Influenza is a busy, smart, seasonal virus that affects us in Vermont every year. It is characterized by fever, chills, aches, headache, shortness of breath, fatigue, cough…all symptoms that can also be seen in COVID-19.

Charlotte COVID Assistance Team resources provide information on financial, physical and mental health

Charlotte COVID Assistance Team resources provide information on financial, physical and mental health

The unofficial, but very creative and determined Charlotte COVID-19 Assistance Team met again last Monday, this time totally focused on what this team could do to make sure our town is prepared to provide assistance to our residents when necessary in the future.

Together, moving forward into summer

Together, moving forward into summer

Even though Governor Scott and his team continue to move us forward through the COVID-19 piece, slowly, one step at a time, life still remains very uncertain and incredibly stressful for many. As fortunate as we are, living in Vermont where we have access to the out-of-doors and leadership that has taken the necessary steps to keep us all safe and well informed,

What you need to know about COVID-19 testing

What you need to know about COVID-19 testing

“Testing, contact tracing and isolation” is the new mantra for the COVID-19 age. Each is a critical part of the overall strategy to keep us safe as the economy opens and we begin again to circulate. Of the three, testing is the most poorly understood. Here are some things you should know about what these tests are, how they work and how they should be interpreted.

Vermont expands  COVID-19 testing

Vermont expands COVID-19 testing

The Vermont Department of Health announced last week that all Vermonters with even mild symptoms are encouraged to contact their health care provider to get tested for COVID-19, the disease that results from infection with the novel coronavirus. This includes parents of children who have symptoms that could be related to COVID-19.

COVID ’n kids

COVID ’n kids

Thank you to the families of Charlotte who are staying safe and simplifying their lives in order to protect friends and neighbors. Here is a rundown of the role of children and adolescents in the pandemic.