Why go to a Physical Therapist?
Why should I go to physical therapy? Why did my Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Doctor send me to Physical Therapy?
Why should I go to physical therapy? Why did my Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Doctor send me to Physical Therapy?
Most people discover that they become increasingly unsteady and less confident with their balance as they get older. Everyday movements that once felt like a breeze can
A new school year continues to bring new challenges to the Champlain Valley School District (CVSD) in dealing with the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.
Widening the focus beyond Charlotte’s immediate neighbors, here’s a sampling of walks within about a half hour of Charlotte.
Low back pain is an exceedingly common ailment that has been a cash cow for the medical device industry, the pharmacological industry, and individuals who tout scientifically unsubstantiated claims as facts.
On the heels of multiple appeals, health center plans are scrapped
As a town, does Charlotte have a culture that says NO to change? As a town, what can we…
As we have recently discovered with the debate in Washington, “infrastructure” is one of those words that means a million different things to a million different people.
Do you know which plants threaten the Charlotte landscape? Do you feel that Charlotte is doing enough to protect, improve and/or conserve our landscape?
Parents/Guardians of students between the ages of 12-15, here’s an upcoming opportunity for them to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
As we journey through the COVID vaccination process toward the goal of herd immunity, we know that goal and the percentage of individuals vaccinated are inextricably linked.
As we see some light at the end of the very long COVID tunnel and spring emerges in our brave little state, life is looking way better than it did two or three months ago. People are getting the vaccine, protocols are being lifted, and we are starting to see some normalcy return to our lives.
As you are likely aware, we are being impacted now more than ever before by the effects of COVID on our CCS community.
Rep. Yantachka saves energy by driving a plug-in hybrid vehicle as well as utilizing his solar tracker to power heat pumps in his home. A solar hot water system also helps him save energy.
Are we there yet? Has there ever been a road trip when that question wasn’t asked? Well, Dr. Anthony Fauci believes “we are at the corner. Whether or not we are going to be turning the corner remains to be seen.”
Among those vaccinated was Charlotter Erick Crockenberg, who is working in Bhutan with U.S.-based company Mountain Hazlenuts, the largest private employer in the country.
Teachers from across the state were lined up outside Champlain Valley Union High School to receive their first dose of their COVID-19 vaccine Wednesday morning.
Vermont health officials have confirmed detection of the COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7—the viral mutation first detected in the U.K. in the fall of 2020. This is the first lab-confirmed evidence of the variant in the state. The variant was detected in a specimen taken from a resident of Chittenden County.
The Floral Heart Project, a COVID-19 Memorial effort, will lay floral hearts in cities and towns across the US in conjunction with a National Day of Mourning effort.
The vaccines referenced in this article or in development have largely illustrated the ability to prevent significant symptomatic infection, hospitalization and death.