Discovering Cuba: Part II

Discovering Cuba: Part II

A goal I had in visiting Cuba was to discover, as best one can in 11 days, how the Cuban people feel about Fidel and Raul Castro, whose socialist government has ruled Cuba for nearly 60 years. Much like Americans today, Cubans are deeply divided in their views and in whether and how they would like their government to change.

Vermont is on the right track with health care reform

Vermont is on the right track with health care reform

Don’t let the current hubbub and steady stream of misinformation from Washington distract you from reality. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obama Care, is working and will not be done in by the recent tax bill. Medicaid continues to expand, increasing the numbers insured. Tax credits will hold premiums steady for the majority of Americans. Young adults can continue to remain on their parents’ insurance until they turn 26. Those with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied coverage. Premiums will not depend on health status. Safeguards are also in place to penalize insurers who cherry-pick and look to insure only those in good health. 



With five Division I state championships behind them, the CVU women’s basketball team looks forward to keeping the trend alive. They helped their cause with a quarterfinal win over the Bobwhites of BFA-St. Albans last Friday. Catherine Gilwee and Shannon Loiseau led the offense. After being tied at halftime at 16 apiece, the Redhawks pulled away in the second half, outscoring BFA by 10 points in the third quarter and going on to win by 9, 46-37, with Gilwee hitting for the victory margin in the final quarter.

The irreplaceable impact of summer camp

The irreplaceable impact of summer camp

Why is summer camp such an important and irreplaceable experience for today’s kids? At Camp Hochelaga we believe the magic and lasting positive impact of the summer camp experience takes place because of a unique combination of people, place and values. At camp we combine an inspiring outdoor, screen-free environment with positive, patient, enthusiastic camp counselors, programs that support campers in trying new things and building new skills, and a set of core values focused on growing diverse friendships in a socially, emotionally and physically safe place.
Why is summer camp such an important and irreplaceable experience for today’s kids? At Camp Hochelaga we believe the magic and lasting positive impact of the summer camp experience takes place because of a unique combination of people, place and values. At camp we combine an inspiring outdoor, screen-free environment with positive, patient, enthusiastic camp counselors, programs that support campers in trying new things and building new skills, and a set of core values focused on growing diverse friendships in a socially, emotionally and physically safe place.

Emerald Ash Borer found in Vermont

Emerald Ash Borer found in Vermont

The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation (VTFPR) and the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Foods & Markets (VAAFM) report that an emerald ash borer (EAB), a destructive forest insect from Asia, has been detected in Vermont. Officials with the USDA Animal & Plant Health and Inspection Service (APHIS) have confirmed the identification of a beetle recently found in northern Orange County, Vermont. The insect was reported through the website.

Girl scouting around the world

Girl scouting around the world

It has been a very busy beginning to the year 2018 for our local Charlotte Girl Scout Troop 30066.  The cookie sale – Girl Scout cookie sales began on the first of January, as many of you are aware of, since a number of you had young Daisy, Brownie or Junior Girl Scouts braving the sometimes frigid temperatures to knock on your doors in anticipation of making a cookie sale. 

CVU hosts Chittenden County’s Spring College Fair

CVU hosts Chittenden County’s Spring College Fair

The 18th Annual Spring College Fair at Champlain Valley Union High School in Hinesburg is happening this year on Monday, April 2, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. College representatives from across the New England, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions and Canada will be available to speak with both students and parents.

Clemmons Family Farm awarded 2018 Barn Preservation Grant

The Clemmons Family Farm was recently selected as one of 17 recipients, from a pool of 45 applicants, for the 2018 Barn Preservation Grant to support the preservation of the farm’s “Big Barn.” The Vermont Advisory Council on Historic Preservation awarded the $15,000 matching grant that is administered through the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation. The grants support the “rehabilitation of historic agricultural buildings that are a symbol of Vermont’s rural landscape.” 

R.L. Vallee withdraws application for a Maplefields Store off Route 7

R.L. Vallee withdraws application for a Maplefields Store off Route 7

Engineers for the proposed Maplefields off Route 7, Ferry and Church Hill Roads wrote to Zoning Board Chair, Frank Tenney, saying that due to comments by the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) concerning cross-traffic turns into and out of the proposed location, they and R.L. Vallee, Inc. are withdrawing their proposal for a Maplefields Store.



It started simply enough. Two little things made me think I could renovate the downstairs bathroom by myself. The first was a piece of linoleum that was curling up, practically begging to be lifted up and removed. Of course, I naively thought, with that one curl of the floor the whole thing would just come off in one glorious sheet.

Charlotte Town Meeting March 6 And April 3

Charlotte Town Meeting March 6 And April 3

That’s right, two dates for us here in Charlotte to remember for Town Meeting and voting. On Tuesday, March 6, Town Meeting will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room at Charlotte Central School, starting at 9 a.m. The Selectboard will be taking us through the Town Warning articles starting with Article 3, which is to approve the town’s $3,145,165 budget. During the discussion of Article 3, people will be able to make amendments to that budget if they like—adding to it, taking away from it, or any combination of the two. If there are amendments made to the budget, we will have a floor vote on those changes. 

CVSD Proposed Budget and Ballot Questions

CVSD Proposed Budget and Ballot Questions

At this time of year the days are a little bit longer and Vermonters all over the state turn their thoughts to…Town Meeting Day. Over the last three months the Board of the Champlain Valley School District, along with district administration and local volunteer “budget buddies,” have put together what we believe is a fiscally conservative yet strategic and forward-thinking budget. On March 6, the voters of our district will be asked to approve our budget and four separate articles to address essential functions. 

Fit At Any Age – Want a beauty treatment  that doesn’t cost a cent?

Fit At Any Age – Want a beauty treatment that doesn’t cost a cent?

Studies show that regular exercise can reverse 20 years of aging. You don’t have to be an endurance athlete to enjoy the benefits of walking, light strength training or swimming. At any age, becoming stronger can go a long way to improving your balance and helping to prevent falls. Your posture will improve, and appearing taller enhances a person’s attractiveness.