Notice of 2nd Public Hearing  For Proposed Town Plan

Notice of 2nd Public Hearing For Proposed Town Plan

Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. Section 4385, the Charlotte Selectboard will hold its second public hearing to receive public comments on a proposed amended Charlotte Town Plan on Monday, January 22, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. at the Charlotte Town Hall, 159 Ferry Road. Public comments may also be submitted in writing in advance of the public hearing.

Selectboard Meeting Covered an Array of Issues

Selectboard Meeting Covered an Array of Issues

he Jan. 8 Selectboard meeting saw an array of issues discussed, including the next step in jumpstarting the search for a new Zoning Administrator. Board members reviewed a job description contained in their packets, which was written after receiving input from a Planning Commissioner and a representative from the Zoning Board. Following a review by the board, a new employment description was refined.

The Clemmons Family Farm Moves Onward and Upward

The Clemmons Family Farm Moves Onward and Upward

With the receipt of a prestigious $350,000 grant from ArtPlace America’s National Placemaking Fund, the Clemmons Family Farm makes a huge leap forward toward the family’s goal of creating a multicultural center in Charlotte devoted to celebrating African American history, art and culture. Funds for the project, titled “A Sense of Place,” will be used to host

Report from the Legislature: 2018 Session Preview

Report from the Legislature: 2018 Session Preview

Patience and persistence: these are two qualities that I learned are essential to working in the Legislature. The issues that the Legislature has to address are often very complex and do not lend themselves to simple solutions. Measures that are enacted sometimes fail to have the desired effect and have to be tweaked by subsequent legislation.

Town Bites

Town Bites

Charlotte heads the state in median wealth – UVM economics professor, Art Woolf wrote a column recently that appeared in the Burlington Free Press on December 20 in which he analyzed the various types of households and their median incomes for 2016.

Church Youth Group Distributes Care Packages On Church Street

Church Youth Group Distributes Care Packages On Church Street

On December 17 six members of the junior youth group at the Charlotte Congregational Church packed care packages and distributed them on Church Street in Burlington. The care packages consisted of socks, hats, food and first aid kits. For us, it was an experience to expand our comfort zones and give some love to people who needed it. 

News from The News

News from The News

Fundraising. Thank you to everyone who responded to our 2017 fundraising appeals. We finished the year having met our fundraising goal, and because of the support of both our donors and our loyal advertisers we enter 2018 in good shape financially. We look forward to your continued support in the new year.

Food Shelf News

Food Shelf News

Boxes overflowing with food, gifts and extras were distributed to 26 Charlotte families (including 31 children) for the holidays! Thank you to the volunteers who helped us to assemble the baskets:

Around Town

Around Town

Congratulations: to Jim Hyde who was nominated as one of ten finalists for “Mentor of the Year” through the Comcast /Mobius student mentoring program. Jim mentors two students through  Connecting Youth (CY) at CCS and CVU.

Edd’s Sports Report

Edd’s Sports Report

A couple of items in the recent high school sporting scene reminded this writer of colleagues of his sons who tied their sports activity to their educational settings. In my sons days, to a number of families, CVU, Rice Memorial and South Burlington were all choices of places to continue after middle school, largely on the basis of their strength in sports.

Out-Doors: Fun at Ten Below

Out-Doors: Fun at Ten Below

Let’s call this the armchair edition of Out-Doors. Despite frigid temperatures and biting winds, I have managed to cross-country ski nearly every day. But an hour or two of exercise in temperatures either side of zero does not fill these brief winter days. So I’ve been reading about the outdoors and have some ideas for your fireside hours.

Selectboard continues to review budget proposals

Selectboard continues to review budget proposals

As is typical when the Selectboard entertains budgets requests from town commissions and departments, the meeting on December 18, 2017, was chock full of agenda items. It began at 6 p.m. with an informational meeting with the Charlotte Library expansion committee on a proposed library expansion. A feasibility study will be undertaken in January to assess community support of the project and whether funding can be raised privately or if a bond is needed. If the response is positive, expansion plans will go forward with a goal of building in the spring of 2019.

Into the Woods: What is Silviculture?

Into the Woods: What is Silviculture?

When I tell someone that I am a forester, their response is usually “great!” This is generally followed by a brief pause, and then, “What does that mean?” We foresters are confused with loggers, park rangers and arborists, in addition to many other professions. What defines a forester is that we practice “forestry,” the management of forested ecosystems.

Freezing Temps Bring Joy To Some of Us

Freezing Temps Bring Joy To Some of Us

Some people say we’re due for a January thaw. As I write this, the temperature outside is -3 and the wind chill is -20. The night sky has finally opened up after a snowstorm blanketed the valley, and the stars are shimmering brightly. It’s the kind of cold that when you breathe in, the hairs inside your nose clang together like fragile glass tendrils daring to shatter. All around us people are hibernating in their dens, huddled against the woodstove or heater. But the hardiest of us are enjoying the arctic blast, knowing that the lake is “making ice.” If I were a betting man, I’d put money on the whole lake freezing over this year and lots of truck traffic in the bays.