Senior Center News

Senior Center News

The Senior Center’s Spring Program (March through May), included in this issue of The News, describes the programs and classes being offered here this spring, along with schedules and fees. You can register for classes by calling the Center at 425-6345, by mail at P.O Box 207, Charlotte, VT 05445, or by coming in to sign up in person.

ESSEX Plan to put a price on carbon emissions described as a win-win for Vermonters

ESSEX Plan to put a price on carbon emissions described as a win-win for Vermonters

At a meeting at the Charlotte Senior Center Feb. 12, attended by about 25 people, Representative Mike Yantanchka, Tom Hughes of Energy Independent Vermont, Karen LaFayette of the Vermont Low Income Advocacy Council, and Sally Kerschner of the Climate Health Alliance laid out the reasoning behind the carbon pricing bill currently before the Legislature, Senate bill S.284, also known as the ESSEX Plan, and explained how it will work. (ESSEX stands for An Economy Strengthening Strategic Energy Exchange.) 

Road Salt and Trees — An Unhealthy Mix

Road Salt and Trees — An Unhealthy Mix

The question of whether we should increase the use of salt on our roads has periodically been a subject of debate in Charlotte. It was an item on the recent February 12 Selectboard agenda. The position of the last tree warden, Larry Hamilton, was to oppose the increased use of salt. I support this position for all the same reasons as previously put forth, summarized here:

Vaping and Juuling: A youthful rite of passage or a camel’s nose through the tent flap?

Vaping and Juuling: A youthful rite of passage or a camel’s nose through the tent flap?

Perhaps you saw the headline in the January 24 issue of The Charlotte News: “CVU responds to recent drug-related issues.” The story shed light on growing concerns among educators and policymakers about the appearance of vaping and juuling in schools. Are these part of some new dance or fashion craze? What does this have to do with drugs in our schools?

Discovering Cuba: Part I

Discovering Cuba: Part I

A month ago I boarded a Delta Airlines flight to Havana from Miami, excited to learn more about Cuba’s past, present and what we might expect to happen there in the near future. What I discovered in the 10 days I traveled with husband Vince, Charlotters Jim and Susan Hyde and 12 others on an Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) expedition in Cuba expanded my understanding of Cuba’s strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures, sources of satisfaction and of frustration, as well as the Cuban people’s hopes and fears about the future. It was a remarkable adventure. 

The Case For Camp

The Case For Camp

When I was nine years old I spent my first two weeks away from home. Eagerly, I arrived at horsemanship camp, where I would enjoy the peak of summer. Naturally, I was afraid to be separated from my parents and my life at home. What I discovered was the deep bonds of friendships, a second home, a place of peace and a new sense of independence. 

Triple Town Trail Tour

Triple Town Trail Tour

Saturday morning in January, lots of snow on the ground, time to do the Triple Town Trail XC Ski Tour. Tax season is gearing up, but I’ve got a few hours before heading into the office for the afternoon. I decide to see if I can ski the Town Link Trail, the Pease Mountain Trail and the Plouffe Lane Trail before sitting at my desk for the rest of the day. 

Around Town

Around Town

Congratulations: to the CVU Brain Bee Team, which was one of nine high school teams competing in the Vermont Brain on Feb. 10 at the UVM Larner College of Medicine.

A Return to the Familiar

A Return to the Familiar

It was in the spirit of Olympic fever with which I watched the video of my son, Sam, launching himself off ski jumps, spinning, flipping and soaring. I watched this Instagram post of his over and over thinking to myself … I gave birth to this?

Yellow iris control in Thorp Brook and Lower Lewis Creek

Yellow iris control in Thorp Brook and Lower Lewis Creek

Yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus), with its striking yellow flowers, provides a colorful addition to the Vermont landscape—and a threat to our priority natural communities. In recent years, it has gained a foothold in many Lake Champlain wetlands andsmall streams that drain directly into the lake. Both are priority natural communities, as documented by the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Natural Heritage Program.

A whale of a tale and other Baja discoveries

A whale of a tale and other Baja discoveries

Women groan at the thought of giving birth to an 11- or 12-pound baby. Imagine a gray whale calf, weighing at birth 1,100 pounds and 15 feet long. Ouch! Gray whale mothers produce rich milk, 50 percent fat, and a nursing calf can gain several pounds an hour and up to 200 pounds in a day, while swimming the entire time. 

Jack’s eulogy

Jack’s eulogy

Like the dog in John Irving’s Hotel New Hampshire named “Sorrow” who follows his protagonists, I have learned, having had to put several dogs to sleep, “Sorrow” follows us for a long time. Last week my wife and I had to put down our handsome yellow Lab, Jack.

Jim Hyde Voted Mentor of the Year

Jim Hyde Voted Mentor of the Year

Charlotter Jim Hyde was recently was voted Comcast Vermont Mentor of the year for 2018. A retired college professor at Tufts University School of Medicine, Jim decided that he did not want to give up working with students and helping them learn, so he looked for a program in which he could put skills that he had used over the years to younger students’ benefit. Four years ago he discovered Charlotte Central School’s “Connecting Youth” mentoring program through its director, Wendy Bratt. 

Food Shelf News

Food Shelf News

Thank you to the following for your recent support: Charlotte Organic COOP and Anne Castle, Charlotte Congregational Church, Karol Jane Josselyn, Charles and Liz DesLauriers, Susan and Robbie Hall, Sharon Richards and Doug Weaver, Lori Racha and Damon Silverman for the donation on behalf of their daughters Kate and Chloe Silverman in honor of their teachers at Charlotte Central School.