Caroline Ardelia Yale

Caroline Ardelia Yale

No person should be restricted or defined by disabilities. Society seems to have few expectations of people with disabilities such as deafness, perhaps ascribing a lack of ability to overcome them. Caroline Yale began life in Charlotte on September 29, 1848, the youngest of five children of Deacon William Lyman Yale and Ardelia Strong.

CVSD School Board reviews the restoration process

CVSD School Board reviews the restoration process

The April 27 CVSD Board meeting focused on the plan for the “restoration” of the school system after a year of pandemic operations. Jeff Evans, Director of Learning and Innovation, and Meagan Roy, Director of Student Support Services, have developed an extensive plan that conforms to state recovery process requirements.

CVSD school board holds special meeting to review COVID-19 policies and practices

CVSD school board holds special meeting to review COVID-19 policies and practices

On Tuesday, April 7, the Champlain Valley School District board met to discuss the evolution of the district’s plan for remote learning. Major topics discussed were the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic on the budget, provision of meals to students, mental health and special education services, internet and technology services, and overall equity among schools.