Charlotte Central School Newsletter – February 10, 2022
Message from Charlotte Central School administrators
While COVID (Omicron) has some of us shrinking our “pods” and connections to the outer world, others have sought opportunities to share their expertise, their time, their resources. As a community, we welcome all of you and appreciate your role in the present and future of Charlotte Central School. We would like to invite you into our CCS CIRCLE where people can share their mastery for the betterment of the whole.
Ways to be part of our community of CARE:
- Mentor for a youth in our school.
- Sign up to be a substitute teacher or recess/lunch supervisor
- Participate in the PTO.
- Contribute to the annual fund with targeted goals of athletics, STEAM, and theater.
- Have ideas about an enrichment club for after school? Let us know.
- Wednesday snacks for CCS staff—grade-level sign-ups.
- Send some positive vibes to the people who keep our school running behind the scenes—our bus drivers, administrative assistants, cafeteria staff, maintenance crew, nurses and all of the educators of CCS.
We are eagerly anticipating Stephanie’s return on Monday (January 31, 2022). She has been missed dearly and her return will be one more stabilizing force as we look forward to a few months of consistency and growth across the board. During her time away, we appreciated Jeff filling in. He was able to bring smiles and form connections with many staff and students during his brief stay with us. We thank him for his time and look forward to his visits in the future.
We continue to look for opportunities to create joy and connection among our K–8 students. This week our K–6 students had a Virtual Dance Party with our CCS mascot, Champ. Today’s snow (Friday, Feb 4.) and what we see in the forecast is perfect for our 2022 Winter Carnival, planned for Friday, Feb. 18.
Some highlights from the week of January 24
Eighth-grade students had their first transition meeting with counselors from CVU virtually to discuss courses and routines at CVU. Updates will be sent to families in the coming weeks.
Comfortable clothes and stuffed animals were all around the primary wing Friday for some classes’ Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports celebration.
PE classes moved to the Charlotte ice rink when the weather cooperated. Kids reported having “the best time ever!”
The warm-up for the girls’ basketball team games was a Zumba festival and a few rounds of duck-duck-goose.
Reminder: CCS February school break is coming up in two weeks. School will be on break the week of Feb. 21 to 25, returning on Monday, Feb. 28.
Champlain Valley School District 2022-2023 proposed budget and bond
The proposed budget for the 2022–2023 school year has been finalized by the CVSD School Board. Please view our Annual Report and a variety of other materials to learn about the proposed budget and bond.
Important dates and polling places for school budget
CVSD Informational Meeting: Monday, Feb. 28, 5 p.m.
The information to join this virtual meeting can be found on the CVSD website.
Vote! You may either vote in person in your town on March 1 or contact your town clerk to request an absentee ballot ahead of time. You may also go to the website to arrange for a ballot. Ballots will not be mailed unless you request them.