Town explores possibility of a community center
Recreation director gives presentation to Selectboard
Recreation director gives presentation to Selectboard
The selectboard may meet either at a special meeting or during their next regular meeting on Monday, Nov. 8 to discuss the state’s Legislative Apportionment Board proposal that could relocate the town’s state representation.
Vice Chair votes against motion, says change is “too fast”
Is a DRB a good move for the town? The News hears from both sides
At their regular meeting on Monday, Oct. 18, the selectboard voted to adjust the salaries of three employees at the Charlotte Library. But after the discussion and motion there seemed to be more questions than answers.
Unwarned motion to adopt a DRB catches board members off guard
Town officials go silent in response to questions about town policies
Krasnow said town attorney advised board to ratify Sept. 27 vote with new motions
Despite rising printing costs, town resists the urge to go digital.
Employee salaries and “potential litigation” discussions held from public view
While purchasing policies and procedures were debated at a special Selectboard meeting on Monday, Oct. 4 at Town Hall, no official decisions were made.
After multiple emails and phone calls by Charlotte News editor Mara Brooks and Investigative Reporter Shaw Israel Izikson, Selectboard Chair Matthew Krasnow answered questions about business conducted at the board’s regular meeting on Sept. 27.
At the regular Selectboard meeting on Monday, Sept. 27, Chair Matt Krasnow announced that he would be resigning as chair but will remain on the board as a member.
A statement that cleared former Zoning Board of Appeals member Ronda Moore of any conflict of interest during her time on the board was made public during the Selectboard’s regular meeting on Monday, Sept. 27.
During their regular meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 28, the selectboard approved a motion to move a property easement to the southern edge of a property owned by Margaret and Michael Russell at 2577 Lake Road.
Citing rising costs, Evergreen Family Health gives up on Charlotte—for now
The Selectboard thoroughly discussed but took no action on an agenda item concerning water quality in West Charlotte Village during their regular meeting on Monday, Sept. 13.
The town’s Selectboard has scheduled a discussion on fiber optic internet broadband access for their next meeting on Monday, Sept. 27, at 6 p.m. at Town Hall.
The Selectboard is looking for the public’s input on how it should spend its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
At their regular meeting on Monday, Sept. 13, the town’s Selectboard approved the expenditure of $50,000 from the Charlotte Conservation Fund for a conservation project.