CVU responds to recent drug-related issues

CVU responds to recent drug-related issues

In early November, several CVU students were involved in a drug deal in Shelburne that turned into a robbery and injured one student.  When asked recently about what the school did in response to the incident and the resulting criminal charges, Principal Adam Bunting, said, “CVU enjoys productive relationships with our community partners:

Tax Rates, Merger Tax Incentives and Budgets

Tax Rates, Merger Tax Incentives and Budgets

An article on page 14 in the Dec. 13 issue of The Charlotte News, “Commissioner of Taxes Releases FY2019 Education Yield Letter,” quoted Jeanne Jensen, the chief operating officer of the Champlain Valley School District, as saying, “Finally, taxpayers should remember that we will be receiving the second year of our district consolidation tax incentive, which will provide CVSD tax payers with an 8 cent reduction on their tax bill.”

Church Youth Group Distributes Care Packages On Church Street

Church Youth Group Distributes Care Packages On Church Street

On December 17 six members of the junior youth group at the Charlotte Congregational Church packed care packages and distributed them on Church Street in Burlington. The care packages consisted of socks, hats, food and first aid kits. For us, it was an experience to expand our comfort zones and give some love to people who needed it. 

Registration Opens for Governor’s Institutes Winter Weekends

The Governor’s Institutes of Vermont announces the opening of the application for two fantastic Winter Weekends for motivated high school students taking place in February 2018 at Goddard College.  All Vermont high school and technical center students are invited to attend. 

The special sauce

The special sauce

Getting those college applications to rise to the top of the pile. Students and parents are always asking: what’s the secret ingredient, that special sauce, that will allow a college application to rise to the top of the pile?

Vermont’s 529 college savings plan tops $350 million in assets

Vermonters are giving the gift of education and earning tax credits too. Investments in Vermont’s 529 college savings plan now top $350 million, the Vermont Student Assistance Corp. announced on Nov. 29. Vermont’s plan, the Vermont Higher Education Investment Plan, or VHEIP, has paid out over $143 million to help more than 5,800 students over the years to continue their education.

Building computer literacy

Building computer literacy

Storage – The part in your computer that holds all your storage/all your files is either a hard disk drive (HDD) or a solid state drive (SSD). HDDs are also known as spinning mechanical Hard Drives. They have moving parts that consist of metal platters (the platter looks similar to a CD/DVD). If the moving parts should touch each other or rattle around (think about every time you move your laptop from one place to another) you can get data loss.  

Mater Christi School announces new leadership

The Trustees of the Mater Christi School are honored and pleased to announce the appointment of Tim Loescher as head of school and president. As Mater Christi School continues its tradition of academic excellence, Loescher will direct its future initiatives and support the school’s mission in partnership with the board of trustees.

Charlotte Repair Café set for Nov. 11

Charlotte Repair Café set for Nov. 11

If you are anything like me you have some things around your home that are no longer functional but you can’t bear to part with them. Perhaps you have a favorite sweater with a few too many holes or a toaster or other appliance with a frayed electric cord or a bicycle with dysfunctional brakes. Do you hate the idea of sending these items to the landfill and don’t have the time to research who can fix them? Transition Town Charlotte has a solution for you! On Saturday, Nov. 11, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Charlotte Congregational Church there will be a “Repair Café”—an opportunity for community volunteer fixers to come together and help those of us with things to fix.

An interview with Elaine Pinckney and Meagan Roy

An interview with Elaine Pinckney and Meagan Roy

Dear CVSD community, We are off to an amazing start. The process and early outcomes of consolidating the governance of our schools to create the Champlain Valley School District (CVSD) are surpassing our hopes. While the transition has required tireless hours from the central office staff, it has been both positive and smooth. More important, we are beginning to realize the multiple opportunities from this merger, opportunities that will positively impact student learning—and that is what gets all of us excited. To better explain the learning opportunities that we are capturing, we went right to CVSD Superintendent Elaine Pinckney with some questions.