Senior Center News – June 27, 2019
“The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent upon it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as it if had nothing else in the universe to do.”
~ Galileo Galilei
This quote from Galileo was a surprise and, ironically, is from one of my favorite magazines, The Sun. Who knew the great scientist also viewed the world poetically? You probably do, too. Just relax into Vermont’s lush summer landscape and start making some notes.
If you would like to write more, the monthly Writers’ Group can support your efforts. Scheduled for second Fridays, 1:00m p.m. to 3:00 p.m., this new group is looking for writers of stories, personal experiences or poetry. Please register to indicate your interest. No fee.
If you are interested in toning your writing muscles, there is a course for you. Write Now! with Laurie McMillan will be meeting on Monday mornings, 10:00 a.m. to noon, throughout August. Registration required. Fee: $68 for the 4-week series.
Less daunting (perhaps) is working in collage. Try Collage Experiences on Tuesday mornings, 7/9, 7/16 & 7/23 from 9:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. With a variety of materials, create a unique composition. Each week, a theme will provide a framework to kick off this fun process. Preregistration required for materials list. Fee: $45 for the session. (A new section will be offered in August.)
Feed your creative impulses – with food. If you can, find a young person (age 9 and up) and sign up for Bake for Good on 7/11 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to bake rolls (ah, the aroma), have fun and feel a sense of accomplishment! Lunch is included and some of the baked goods are donated to the Center and the Food Shelf – with plenty left to take home with you. Sponsored by King Arthur Flour and offered in conjunction with the Charlotte Library. This event is free, but please register. (Note that the young person need not be related to you – and you are also welcome to come by yourself.)
Another engaging, creative endeavor is Play Reading which meets the 4th Thursday of every month through November from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. This is a relaxed, fun table reading – no stage fright allowed. When you register, you will be added to the list of potential readers for July. No fee.
If you sometimes enjoy looking at art more than creating it, consider these two carpooling trips in August to just south of Charlotte. The first, Middlebury College Museum of Art & Lunch, is at 9:30 on Friday, 8/9. This daytrip will view the show “Fifty Years of Collecting Art for Middlebury.” After the museum, you will lunch at the Middlebury Inn, and return time will be approximately 3:30 p.m. The only fee will be the cost of your individual lunch. Pre-registration required; minimum of 10.
The second one is a trip to Lemon Fair Sculpture Park in Shoreham, on Saturday, 8/17. Frank and Elaine Ittleman invite you to enjoy a magnificent rural setting dedicated to outdoor art at their private residence. The 1.5-mile loop passes about a dozen large-scale outdoor artworks. (Be sure to wear sturdy shoes.) Meet at the Center to carpool by 9:30 a.m., and head home around noon—or stop in nearby Middlebury for a leisurely lunch. Registration necessary. No fee.
And then there is the experience of music. . . . Just imagine, the sound of an electric guitar in a senior center! Even without any music, that sound quality is, in itself, like a time machine. Last week Peter and Helen Rosenblum took their audience back a few decades to the 50s and 60s. Aside from being avid duplicate bridge players here on Mondays, they perform an extensive repertoire of oldies music for folks to sing along with – or just listen to. Everyone had a great time – and we hope they will come back again next year.
July Wednesday Afternoon Events at 1:00 p.m.
July 10: Age Well (formerly Council on Aging). Discover the services they provide to individuals 60+, which include coupons for discounted meals at local restaurants. They believe that health happens at home —and focus on lifestyle, happiness and wellness.
July 17: Here We Go ‘Round Again. Learn about the history of Shelburne’s Museum’s famous Dentzel Carousel, purchased by Mrs.Webb in 1951, and the conservation of its 40 animals and painted rounding boards over three decades.
July 24: Japanese Ceramics: The Grace of Imperfection. From 10,000-year-old funerary figures to Zen-influenced ceremonial tea bowls, you will encounter Japanese aesthetics, culture, history, geography and spirituality in the clay.
July 31: Fun with Donkeys. Invite a young friend and meet two mini-donkeys named Chester and Ernie – pettable, huggable buddies for the afternoon. Hear about the history of donkeys and carting, and take a ride in their shiny, custom cart.
August Events at 1:00 p.m.
August 7: Stop the Bleed, UVM Medical Center. Learn what you can do in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.
August 14: Downsizing. Explore how to navigate the process and prepare for a life transition.
August 21: My Affairs in Order. If something should happen to you, would anyone know how to step in and manage your affairs?
August 28: Rokeby Museum Tour, Ferrisburgh. “The Museum brings the Underground Railroad vividly to life.” Please register; cost $9.
Art News
The July Art Exhibit showcases the work of three local creatives: Emma Farrington, Jill Thompson and Nancy Wood. Emma’s subjects vary from portraits to landscapes, Jill works in watercolors, and Nancy’s photographs are primarily of outdoor subjects.
It’s time to plan for participating in the Annual Senior Center Community Art Show, which takes place during September. The informative handout can be picked up at the Senior Center now. It is open to all mastery levels for ages 50 and up. Maximum is two pieces per artist.
The Great Room is busy in July, and the best times to see Art Exhibits are Tuesdays after 12:30 p.m., Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., Thursdays and Fridays after 12:30 p.m. Take a quick peek at noon on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please call the Center during the week to check on Sunday availability.
Do visit our website, for more details and menus. If you have questions or would like to register, please call (802) 425-6345, Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Or just stop in and say hello – we love to show people around. We are at 212 Ferry Road, Charlotte right across from the post office. The Senior Center’s mission is to serve those 50 and up. Residents from other communities are also welcome.
Please note that the Senior Center will be closing after the Wednesday Senior Luncheon on July 3 and will be closed all day on July 4 and 5 for the Fourth of July holiday weekend.
Lunch at the Senior Center
Monday Munch
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No reservations required.
July 1
Chicken & Biscuit Pie, Vegetable Sticks w Hummus & Cottage Cheese, Jam & Almond Bars. Courtesy of Philo Ridge
July 8
Picnic Sandwiches, Pasta Bow Tie Salad, Watermelon Mystery Bundt Cake, Lemonade/No sugar Iced Tea
Wednesday Lunch
All diners eat at noon. Reservations required.
July 3
Sloppy Joe’s, Potato Salad, Homemade Birthday Cake & Ice Cream
July 10
Antipasto Salad (provolone, salami,
fennel, greens), Homemade Dessert
Thursday Gents Breakfast
7:00 a.m – 9:00 a.m. Reservations required.
July 11 and 25
Menu: TBA | Topic: TBA
Keep up to date on menus with Front Porch Forum, as these sometimes change.)
See you soon!
Charlotte Senior Center
(802) 425-6345
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors