Planning Commission: East Charlotte Village proposal, Act 143, and roads and driveways standards discussed

Planning Commission: East Charlotte Village proposal, Act 143, and roads and driveways standards discussed

The Thursday, October 17, Planning Commission featured the same agenda items as the previous meeting: next steps for the East Charlotte Village (ECV), Act 143 applied to the land use regulations, and an update to the roads and driveways construction standards.

Village wastewater ordinances head to town attorney for review

Village wastewater ordinances head to town attorney for review

Monday’s Selectboard meeting convened a bit late due to a site visit to Thompson’s Point. Members viewed the town-owned property by boat, with the houses along the lakeshore appearing “well maintained” said Selectboard member Louise McCarren. A second site visit to view portions of the property being leased, brush hogged and mowed is scheduled for September 9.