Local author wins Costa Prize for biography

Local author wins Costa Prize for biography

Jack Fairweather’s 2019 biography “The Volunteer: One Man, an Underground Army, and the Secret Mission to Destroy Auschwitz” won the Costa Book Award in the biography category this week. Fairweather spent years researching and writing about Witold Polecki, a Polish resistance fighter who volunteered to go into the concentration camp, organized a resistance movement from within, and then successfully escaped.

Yantachka named a Renewable Energy Legislative Champion

Yantachka named a Renewable Energy Legislative Champion

At Renewable Energy Vermont’s 18th annual Conference and Exposition, held October 18 and 19 in Burlington, the organization conferred on Charlotte Representative Mike Yantachka its Renewable Energy Legislative Champion award for his contributions to advancing renewable energy in Vermont as a member of the House Energy & Technology Committee, the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR) and the climate caucus.

Vermont House of Representatives presents Clemmons family with  A Sense of Place resolution

Vermont House of Representatives presents Clemmons family with A Sense of Place resolution

Vermont state representatives Kiah Morris, D-Bennington, and Mike Yantachka, D-Charlotte, presented House Concurrent Resolution H.C.R. 364 to Dr. Jackson Clemmons and Mrs. Lydia Clemmons on Wednesday, May 2, in recognition of the Clemmons Family Farm’s A Sense of Place project,

Jim Hyde Voted Mentor of the Year

Jim Hyde Voted Mentor of the Year

Charlotter Jim Hyde was recently was voted Comcast Vermont Mentor of the year for 2018. A retired college professor at Tufts University School of Medicine, Jim decided that he did not want to give up working with students and helping them learn, so he looked for a program in which he could put skills that he had used over the years to younger students’ benefit. Four years ago he discovered Charlotte Central School’s “Connecting Youth” mentoring program through its director, Wendy Bratt.