Charlotte Selectboard endorses Declaration of Inclusion
And then there were 160. On Monday night, Jan. 13, Charlotte joined 159 of Vermont’s towns in endorsing the…
Charlotte Fire and Rescue over budget
The Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services presented its quarterly report to the Selectboard at the…
Scouts produce PSA with WCAX TV
Charlotte Girl Scout Troop 30066 started off its scouting year with a trip to WCAX-TV, where…
Race to temporarily close Mt. Philo mountain road and hiking trails
The Sports Car Club of Vermont (SCCV) will present the Mt. Philo Hillclimb in Charlotte Oct…
Charlotte recreation news
Charlotte Soccer Jamboree The 35th Annual Charlotte Soccer Jamboree on Sept. 16 was a huge success…
Trails Talk: Part 3
Welcome to Trails Talk, Part 3. In this column we will finish answering the questions posed…
A word from the Charlotte Tree Warden
Charlotte Tree Warden update. There are several interesting things going on with the Tree Warden Program.
Charlotte News fundraising update
To date we have raised $13,000 of the $20,000 we need from you, our readers, to…
Halloween fundraiser coming to town
The Mahana Magic Foundation’s Monster Bash will be held at The Old Lantern in Charlotte on…