Redhawks sting Hornets to start football season 2-0 and ranked No. 1
Champlain Valley Union High’s game at Essex High this past Friday, Sept. 6, didn’t start the way its season opener against Hartford went the weekend before.
Selectboard votes to fix Spear Street flood damage with culverts instead of bridge
Replacing the Spear Street bridge over Muddy Hollow Brook is proving to be at least as…
Please help this newspaper cross fundraising finish line
Our nonprofit, community newspaper is just this close to successfully concluding our Annual Fund campaign.
Neither snow nor heat stops two-wheeled trek to Vancouver
Stopping for dinner in a small town where everyone knew each other’s names, Nick Vanderkloot and…
Tomato late blight shows up in Vermont
With our recent rainy weather and storms, I am not surprised that we diagnosed late blight…
Officials try to quench village planning project controversy
The Charlotte Selectboard meeting on Monday was in the library, and the library end of the…
Can you get us to the finish line?
To date, we’ve received more than 150 gifts in support of our Annual Fund campaign. We…
Declaration of Inclusion proves controversial in Charlotte
A handful of people spoke in favor of the town of Charlotte adopting a Declaration of…
Around Town: Aug. 22
Congratulations and Condolences to Charlotters