Senior Center News – June 11, 2020

Senior Center News – June 11, 2020

Still no news from the State of Vermont at this time. Senior centers around this state—and New England—continue to wait to learn when they can re-open, what activities will be allowed, and what the maximum number of participants permitted inside will be. The state has declared that those in the over-65 age category warrant special consideration—so, do not be confused by what is allowed for the general population.

Shuttered Senior Center conducts successful blood drive

Shuttered Senior Center conducts successful blood drive

National headlines tell the story: “Social Distancing Leads to Severe Blood Shortage.” Across the country, thousands of blood drives have been canceled. By mid-March, this meant 86,000 fewer blood donations, truly a national crisis. One cause of the great drop in donations is the fact that many places where blood donations might take place—such as campuses and libraries—are currently shuttered.

Charlotte Senior Center – April 16, 2020

Charlotte Senior Center – April 16, 2020

The big questions on everyone’s minds these days are when? And how? It looks as though they will not be answered for at least a while. While Gov. Scott has extended the quarantine to May 15, that is very possibly not going to be the final word on the topic. Is Vermont really looking at a re-opening day in May? Or June? Or sometime after that? No one knows for sure at the moment.