Senior Center News – October 1, 2020
“I sit beside the fire and think
Of all that I have seen
Of meadow flowers and butterflies
In summers that have been;
Of yellow leaves and gossamer
In autumns that there were
With morning mist and silver sun
And wind upon my hair.
I sit beside the fire and think
Of how the world will be
When winter comes without a spring
That I shall ever see.
For still there are so many things
That I have never seen
In every wood in every spring
There is a different green.
I sit beside the fire and think
Of people long ago
And people that will see a world
That I shall never know.
But all the while I sit and think
Of times there were before
I listen for returning feet
And voices at the door.”
~ J.R.R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring
Outdoor activities are quickly drawing to a close—unless you like skiing and snow shoeing. For many of us, however, those pastimes are past times. Still, there is much to appreciate about being here, and as one poem today suggested: Hug a tree. This could become popular now.
Outdoor Activities
Kayaking for Women has ended for this year and the kayakers were lucky to have unseasonably warm, dry weather. Unhappy trees, happy people.
10/3, Saturday. Lemon Fair Sculpture Park with Frank and Elaine Ittleman. Folks called early, so this event is full with a waiting list. However, not to worry, the Ittleman’s park is now open daily to the public until November. The website states: “There are plenty of wide-open spaces for social distancing. Dogs must be leashed.” See the website for more information.
Please note that the very popular Birding Expeditions with Hank Kaestner are fully enrolled for both October and November with waiting lists for both—and no more additions possible.
10/6. Fall Road Hikes in the Champlain Valley with Joan Mollica continue on Tuesdays. There is some space, so if you are interested, please call and leave a message at (802) 425-6345. Be sure to include your name, phone number and email address for the contact tracing log. The next hike is on the Charlotte Link Trail. The one on 10/13 is to Niquette Bay State Park, Colchester.
Other than outdoor activities, all courses are online—and all require registration. Register by sending us your name and mailing address. Be sure to note the name of the course in the memo line. You will receive confirmation that you are registered.
If there is a fee, kindly pay by check (made out to CSC) and send to P.O. Box 207, Charlotte, VT 05445. Be sure to note the name of the course in the memo line. For courses with limited dates, kindly pay prior to the start of the course.
The second in the series of online balance classes from DeePT is starting next week. To sign up, please follow the directions above. Really, couldn’t we all benefit from improved balance?
10/6. Better Balance II: Comprehensive Balance Exercise. Tuesday and Friday mornings, 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Dates: 10/6–11/13. (6 weeks) Doctors of Physical Therapy from Dee Physical Therapy will lead a 6-week series of classes designed to improve your balance and reduce fall risk. This program, a more intensive version of Better Balance I, consists of two classes per week with progressive advancement towards more complex balance exercises. For individuals of varied balance abilities; recommendations will be made to adjust exercise difficulty. No fee.
10/23. Writing Your Life Story with Laurie McMillan. Fridays, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Dates: 10/23, 10/30, 11/6 & 11/13. How can you make your memories interesting to a reader? Explore storytelling techniques and utilize in-class exercises to help launch your own meaningful and important stories. Newcomers welcome. Registration required. Fee: $30 for the 4-part series of 90-min. classes.
Events in October
All free, Wednesday events at 1:00 p.m. are now online Zoom gatherings. The invitation/link for each week will be posted at the Senior Center website by the day before the presentation. As well, this link will be supplied in Front Porch Forum in Charlotte and in surrounding towns. Please note: Registration is not required.
10/7. Preparing to Prepare Your Advanced Directive with Tina D’Amato, DO. An interactive introduction on how to prepare this important document that helps communicate your medical wishes at end of life. We will review the Vermont Advanced Directive Form, clarify its wording, and learn how to register the form once complete. We will also look at resources to help you complete the forms. Dr. D’Amato is a family medicine physician working at Charlotte Family Health.
10/12. Annual Meeting Of The Friends Of Charlotte Senior Center. Monday at 1:00 p.m. Join us to become better acquainted with the workings of our organization. An update of our financial position will be given, any questions will be answered, and the election of board members will take place. Hope to “see” you there—on Zoom.
10/14. COVID-19: Ten Months In, Where Do We Stand? with Jim Hyde. This session will provide a quick update from a public health perspective about what is currently known about routes of exposure, the prevalence of infection, testing, and prevention and control. We will also look at the latest information on vaccine development and new therapeutics. At least half the time will be devoted to Q&A. Jim is an Emeritus Professor of Public Health at the Tufts University School of Medicine and former Director of Preventive Medicine at the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health.
10/21. Medical Imaging: 1895 To the Present with Rick Goldman. Take a look at the changes in medical imaging, particularly Neuroradiology, which parallel the advances we have seen in the technology we use in our daily lives.
10/28. A Mile of Ice Above Us with Craig Heindel. Learn about the most recent geologic history of Vermont and the Champlain Valley.
Art Exhibit
The Senior Center’s monthly art exhibits continue and visitors are welcome. To see an art exhibit, please schedule an appointment at least 24 hours in advance. Viewing days are Tuesday and Thursday between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Leave a message anytime at (802) 425-6345 and include your name and phone number for a confirmation of your appointment.
The new show this month is: October Art Exhibit—Photography by Mike Sipe and Photography by James Regan. In their own words: “The Lake Champlain region is my unparalleled muse; the beauty of the lake, skies, mountains, valley and the people enjoying its splendor. I don’t have to travel the world to find world-class beauty; it is here, in my own backyard. My ability to find the area’s essence is evolving and it is exhilarating to me.” – Mike Sipe
“I particularly like to photograph the birds that thrive on Vermont’s lakes – sandpipers and great blue herons. It’s fascinating to get up close to things like sunflowers and milkweed with a zoom lens and show the details that people usually overlook—it’s almost another world. I like to bring out what is special about the mundane.” – James Regan
Considering getting yourself out into a non-crowded space to see some beautiful work. It might just lift your spirits.
Be careful. Stay well. We are all in this together.
The Senior Center’s mission is to serve those 50 and up; if a course is not full, pre-seniors may also enroll. Residents from other communities are always welcome. There are no membership fees. Feel free to leave a message anytime at (802) 425-6345; voicemail is checked frequently.
Charlotte Senior Center
(802) 425-6345
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Bill Regan, Chair, Board of Directors