Crosswalk looks to be one step closer
Charlotte may have moved closer to getting a crosswalk from the senior center to the post office, but it’s not quite there yet.
Charlotte may have moved closer to getting a crosswalk from the senior center to the post office, but it’s not quite there yet.
Condolences and Congratulations to Charlotters
Congratulations and Condolences to Charlotters
Four hundred fifty-three of Charlotte’s 3,400 registered voters had voted in the Tuesday, Aug. 13,
In January 2022 the Charlotte Selectboard voted to appropriate around $44,000 to ensure that the town was a priority among towns in getting fiber-optic broadband cable to its underserved areas.
Condolences and Congratulations to local Charlotters
Photos from The Charlotte Town Party 2024
Charlotte residents can be forgiven if they have been sleeping with one eye open and a hand on their wallets for the last week or so.
Initial reports are that Charlotte had received almost 6 inches of rain from Tropical Storm Beryl by Thursday morning.
Congratulations and Condolences to Charlotters.
Charlotte Town Beach manager Jennifer Lawson released a notice on social media that the Charlotte Town Beach was closed as of Tuesday afternoon, July 2.
Summer is here, and Charlotte Grange has lots of family-friendly events planned both around town and based at our historic Grange Hall at 2858 Spear Street in East Charlotte Village.
On Monday, June 17, the Charlotte Selectboard held a special meeting which had been planned to be just 45 minutes. The majority of the meeting consisted of two executive sessions.
Summer is here, and Charlotte Grange has lots of family-friendly events planned both around town and based at our historic Grange Hall at 2858 Spear Street in East Charlotte Village.
Municipal employees in Charlotte may soon have a union. A publicly posted petition at the town hall proposes a new collective bargaining unit consisting of 10 “non-management/non-supervisory” workers, represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
To say Wake Robin’s Red Tag Sale has grown by leaps and bounds over the 25-something years it’s been held is misleading. It has grown by monstrous vaults and gargantuan gambols.
Those in the know are aware that the early bird gets the best selection at the Charlotte Senior Center’s annual plant sale.
Congratulations and Condolences to Charlotters.
Trash talk on a basketball court is way different than trash talk on Green Up Day.
Trash talk on a basketball court is way different than trash talk on Green Up Day.