Opportunities abound for your vision for town’s future
Since January, Charlotte residents have been asked in a variety of forums and different ways how they would like Charlotte’s two villages to develop.
Since January, Charlotte residents have been asked in a variety of forums and different ways how they would like Charlotte’s two villages to develop.
The Charlotte Grange is one of 2,000 community Granges across 41 states, including 18 in Vermont, that are part of the National Grange. Total membership is currently about 80,000 members.
Charlotte celebrated a day of Earth Day last Saturday, April 27, at the Charlotte Library.
The Charlotte Selectboard had had a long discussion about how to deal with a huge crowd at the town beach to view the eclipse before the event.
Condolences and Congratulations to local Charlotters
On Tuesday, voters approved the school district’s revised budget.
The shoulders of Ferry Road are patched with gravel and uneven pavement. Parked cars overtake sections on either side. For pedestrians, though, those obstructed shoulders are the only option for navigating Charlotte’s West Village.
With the Great Total Eclipse fast approaching on April 8, most Vermonters have made a decision
Clemmons Family Farm has an art exhibit, Beneath Our Skin, premiering at the South Burlington Public Library and The Root Social Justice Center in Brattleboro this month.
In the early hours and brisk temperatures Tuesday in Charlotte, residents cycled through town hall to weigh in on Town Meeting Day ballot items, including a hefty tax increase for school budgets and a contentious proposal to replace the town administrator with a town manager.
PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATESDEMOCRATIC PRIMARY BALLOTJoseph R. Biden Jr 726Mark Stewart Greenstein 3Jason Michael Palmer 5Dean Phillips 15Cenk…
The Charlotte East and West Villages Project kicks into high gear this month with two important opportunities for residents to influence the shape of things to come:
30% opposed; 26% undecided or need more information
Let’s start this story about voting this March like Jeopardy, giving the answer first. Here’s Common Connections for $200 — and remember you need to phrase your answer in the form of a question — Mark Stewart Greenstein, Jason Michael Palmer, Dean Phillips, Cenk Uygur and Marianne Williamson.
Condolences and Congratulations to Charlotters
It’s only been a week since we launched our survey on the town administrator or town manager question, and already, we’ve had dozens of responses. We want to hear from many more Charlotters on this vital question.
On Thursday, Jan. 11, town planner Larry Lewack was nearing the finish line of a day-long marathon of meetings with business owners about how they would like to see Charlotte’s two villages develop.
For three years, being the Charlotte town moderator may have seemed like being the lonely Maytag repairman in television commercials of yore, who complained ad nauseam (Latin for advertising nauseau?) about there not being any washing machines for him to repair.
Condolences and Congratulations to Charlotters
Last week saw a couple of ceremonies and celebrations that herald milestones in the history of Charlotte.