Events: Nov. 16 – Dec. 14
Ryan Cochran-Siegle talk
Thursday, Nov. 16, 7 p.m.
The Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum is hosting a talk by World Cup and Olympic Alpine ski racer, Ryan Cochran-Siegle via Zoom. Cochran-Siegle is a member of the legendary Cochran family. He grew up training at his family’s ski area in Richmond. He made his World Cup debut in 2011 and most recently won silver in Super-G at the 2022 Beijing winter Olympics, 50-years after his mother, Barbara Ann Cochran did the same. Virtual doors to the museum open and the discussion begins at 7 p.m. Register at
Invasive removal
Sunday, Nov. 19, 1-3 p.m.
The new date for volunteers to help in the ongoing invasive removal in the Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge Oversight Committee will be Nov. 19, 1-3 p.m. Come Sunday afternoon and learn how to recognize and remove invasive species. Meet in the Greenbush Road parking area. The work will be between the first and second bridges on the Robert’s Way Trail. Bring gloves, clippers, saw or loppers. There will be a limited supply of tools available. Contact Jessie Bradley at [email protected] to register or just come that day.
Holiday craft fair
Friday & Saturday, Nov. 24 & 25, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Over 50 crafters will be selling their seasonal crafts at the holiday craft fair in Bridport at the Masonic Hall on Middle Road.

Dragonfly art exhibition
Through Nov. 30
Landa Townsend’s art inspired by dragon fly habitats, “Dragonfly Habitat at the Edges of Weatherhead Hollow Pond: 2021-2023” is on display at Shelburne’s Pierson Library through Nov. 30. On Thursday, Nov. 30, 6-7 p.m. there’s a free artist talk. Townsend produce this series of woodblock prints to portray dragonfly behaviors and their unique environment.
BTV Winter Market
Fridays, 2-6 p.m. & Saturdays, 12-6 p.m., Nov 18- Dec 23
The BTV Winter Market is a European-style outdoor market featuring a rotating group of 20 local artists, makers, food vendors and cozy firepits in Burlington’s City Hall Park.
Thanksgiving booking
Thanksgiving Thursday, Nov. 23, noon-4 p.m.
The Fletcher Free Library at 235 College Street in Burlington will be open with limited services from noon-4 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, providing a warm spot to gather, read and be thankful for community. The library will also have pre-packaged, refrigerated Thanksgiving to-go meals for pickup, beginning the afternoon of Wednesday, Nov. 22. Meals include fully cooked roast turkey with gravy and fixings, and come individually packaged in microwave-safe packaging. Meals are provided courtesy of the Farmhouse Group and will be available while supplies last. If you are interested in volunteering on Thanksgiving at the Burlington library, check out the volunteer web page.
Holiday Trains
Nov. 24-Jan. 13, 1-3:30 p.m.
Middlebury’s Henry Sheldon Museum presents Holiday Trains: 30 Years Rolling Down the Tracks, a model train layout that stands three levels high, with two tracks running Lionel O gauge trains and the upper track running HO trains. In recognition of the 30th anniversary of the train layout, there will be an exhibition featuring a display tracing the history of the model trains at the Sheldon during the holiday season. This year the trains will be operating 1-3:30 p.m., Wednesday-Saturday. For more information visit or call 802-388-2117. On Saturday, Dec. 2, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., the museum is having a free open house with the model trains running, the annual holiday trees and wreaths raffle on view and more.
Family art
Saturday, Nov. 25, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Drop into the Burlington City Arts (BCA) Center’s fourth-floor education studio for a free, all-ages art activity inspired by the work of Texture & Response artist Ann Wessmann. Explore how working with found materials can root us in appreciation for the places we call home as you create your own unique nature print using materials collected from around Burlington.
Sunday & Tuesday, Dec. 3 & 5
The Valley Players will hold auditions for “Poet’s Choice” by Mary Pratt on Sunday, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m. and Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the Valley Players Theater, 4254 Main Street (Rt. 100), Waitsfield. The play is the 2023 winner of the Valley Players’ Playwright Award and will be directed by Doug Bergstein. To read the script, download an audition form, and get more information, go to Email with questions.
Visiting Artists and Writers Program
Wednesday, Dec. 6, 7:30-8:30 p.m.
As part of its Visiting Artists and Writers Program, the Vermont Studio Center will host Stanya Kahn giving a virtual artist talk via Zoom. Register to receive a link. Kahn is an interdisciplinary artist working primarily in film/video with a practice that includes drawing, painting, sculpture/installation, sound and writing. Recent solo exhibitions include shows in Los Angeles, New York, London, Rotterdam and Berlin.
Menorah lighting
Monday, Dec. 11, 5:15 p.m.
Chabad of Vermont is holding the lighting of the menorah at the Shelburne Town Green in the corner of Falls and Shelburne roads on Monday, Dec. 11, 5:15 p.m. Organizers said there will be donuts, latkes and fun for everyone.
Visiting Artists and Writers Program
Thursday, Dec. 14, 8-9 p.m.
The Vermont Studio Center will host Anthony Goicolea in-person in the Red Mill Building on Thursday, Dec. 14, 8 p.m. Goicolea is an N.Y.-based, multi-disciplinary artist who established himself in the late 1990s with a series of provocative self-portraits. His work ranges from photography, sculpture, and video to multi-layered drawings on mylar, oil on canvas and large-scale installations. His art is held in many public collections, including the Whitney Museum of American Art, The Guggenheim, the Museum of Modern Art, the Hirshorn Museum in D.C. and the North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh. Free. More info.
Church services
Advent and Christmas at
Charlotte Congregational Church
403 Church Hill Road
Charlotte,, 802-425-3176
Advent wreath lighting
Sundays, Dec. 3, 10, 17 & 24, 10 a.m.
Candles of hope, peace, joy and love lit each Sunday.
Messiah sing
Sunday, Dec. 3, 4-5:15 p.m.
Four soloists and a small chamber ensemble of Vermont Symphony musicians will bring this participatory performance of Handel’s timeless masterpiece to life. Donations encouraged.
Advent hours of sanctuary
Mondays, Dec. 4, 11 & 18, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Sanctuary open for prayer and meditation.
Christmas pageant
Sunday, Dec. 10, 10 a.m.
Come for a creative and imaginative enactment of the Christmas story.
Christmas Eve
Offering taken at all services will be used to support our partners near and far.
10 a.m. — Simple morning service with carols and a few surprises
4 p.m. — Outdoor Family Carol Sing for all in the courtyard around the Christmas tree. 6 p.m. indoor service of lessons and carols with children’s choir
7 p.m. — Indoor service of lessons and carols
First Sunday after Christmas
Sunday, Dec. 31, 10 a.m.
Visit website for details. All events will also be livestreamed except the Outdoor Family Carol Sing and the 7 p.m. indoor service of lessons and carols.