Nonprofit news is different — and worth supporting
I recently came across an African proverb: If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
It’s true. At the Charlotte News, we are in this — with you — for the long haul. We’ve been at it for 65 years, and that is only possible because of your support. It’s local journalism that focuses on people and community, not on private profit.
For the fourth year in a row, The Charlotte News is being recognized with a challenge grant from NewsMatch, a national nonprofit news program. This means that your dollars are doubled when you make a donation right now of any amount up to $1,000.
Your $100 gift is worth $200, for example. Even better, when you give $20 a month as a sustainer, your gift is matched 12 times, and the newspaper receives $240. It’s a win for everybody.
I’m asking for your financial contribution today to sustain nonprofit news in Charlotte.
Yes, the paper you’re reading is a “free,” bi-weekly publication but it costs $150,000 a year to publish 25 editions of the paper and to run our recently rebuilt website. Won’t you do your part to help the paper grow and thrive with a tax-deductible gift today?
So yes, it does, indeed take a village. An “east” village and a “west” village and everything in between. Which brings me to an important point about The Charlotte News. We aim to bring people together, not to divide them. You’ve certainly heard the axiom, “if it bleeds, it leads,” correct? A great way to increase circulation historically has been to amp up the drama, to play up the conflict. As a nonprofit news source, we can skip all that and focus on building understanding and community. Research shows that communities with local newsrooms are less polarized than communities without. When you give to The Charlotte News, your donation funds understanding and community building.
We recently sought to learn more about what our readers want from this newspaper (and website!) and our extensive survey confirmed that there’s great support in this town for The Charlotte News. We also received many suggestions for improvements. Your donation will help fuel that growth.
“Make a Donation” or pop your check in the mail to The Charlotte News, PO Box 251, Charlotte VT 05445. You will be glad you did, and we will be extremely grateful.