Senior Center news – February 10, 2022
Our new partnership with Age Well is taking off quicker than we expected. Our first week, we distributed 42 Grab & Go meals, and our second week we increased to having 90 people registered! These meals are free for any individuals 60 years and older through COVID relief funds.
If you haven’t stopped by the Charlotte Senior Center recently, come check us out! You are always welcome to spend time here without participating in a specific class or program. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and read a book, play our piano, board games, or just spend time socializing in small groups.
And if you would like to find out more information about our programs, check out our website or follow us on Facebook.
Girl Scout cookies!
Save the date! Girl Scout Troop 30066 will be selling cookies at the Charlotte Senior Center on Saturday, February 19 from 10 a.m. to noon. Help support our local Girl Scouts by buying a few boxes of your favorite cookies.
New programs
If there is a program that you would like to see but that we do not currently offer, let us know. We are also looking for instructors and program leaders.
Backgammon: Beginning in March, we will be offering backgammon on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons. Open to all skill levels from beginner to advanced. Contact: Jonathan Hart at 802-922-3677 or by email.
Duplicate Bridge for Beginners: We have had people express interest in a beginner duplicate bridge class for students with some bridge experience. If you would be interested in instructing a six- to eight-week program on the basics of duplicate bridge, please contact Lane Morrison.
Cribbage: Do you enjoy playing cribbage but don’t have anyone to play with? Give us a call and we can connect you with others who enjoy the game.
Memoir-writing: Our current program is full. If you would like to lead a second memoir-writing group, email Lori York. And, if you would like to be added to the waiting list, please call 802-425-6345.
Meals and conversation:
Monday lunches: We are cautiously offering our in-person Monday lunches again. Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with a suggested donation of $5. Take-out is always an option.
Monday, February 14: Festive Tortellini Soup with Sausage, served with salad and homemade cookies.
Monday, February 21: Lasagna, served with salad and dessert.
We are looking for volunteers to help serve meals on the third Monday of the month. If you are interested, please send an email to Susan Foster Hyde.
Age Well restaurant tickets
Monday, February 14, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Stop by the Charlotte Senior Center to talk with an Age Well representative about their restaurant ticket program.
Gent’s Breakfast
Our next month’s breakfast will be on Thursday, March 10 from 7 – 9 a.m. Join us for breakfast and conversation. To register, please email Tim McCullough by Tuesday, March 8 to attend. Suggestion donation is $5 for breakfast.
Grab & Go meals provided by Age Well
Pick up on Thursdays between 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Charlotte Senior Center. February and March menus are posted on the Charlotte Senior Center website. Pre-register by Monday for the Thursday meal. To register, contact Lori York at 802-425-6371 or by email.
Thursday, February 17: Spaghetti and meatballs with marinara sauce and parmesan cheese, spinach, dinner roll, grapes and milk. Pre-register by Monday, February 14.
Thursday, February 24: Oven-fried chicken breast, red mashed potatoes, vegetables, dinner roll, pumpkin pudding with cream, and milk. Pre-register by Monday, February 21.
Upcoming program and events:
February featured artist: Linda Finkelstein’s exhibit, “Variety is the Spice” is on display starting Monday, February 14 at the Charlotte Senior Center. In this exhibit, Linda showcases works using different art, including collage, painting and monoprinting. She began creating unique digital images recently using her own photography and art.
Award-winning Nomination Screenings with Sean Moran
Thursday, Feb. 10 (1 – 3 p.m.) Screening of the film King Richard. Will Smith plays the determined father of Venus and Serena Williams as he relentlessly drives his young daughters to become tennis superstars.
Thursday, Feb. 24, 1-3 p.m. Save the date. Film to be announced.
Registration is required, as there is limited seating. No fee. Masks required.
To register, call 802-425-6345 or stop by the Senior Center.
iPhone Tips & Tricks with Susanna Kahn
Wednesday, February 23 from 11 a.m. – noon
Bring your iPhone for some hands-on learning with Tech Librarian Susanna Kahn. Tips on searching, organizing your apps, the share menu, helpful apps and more. Co-sponsored by the Charlotte Library. Registration required. No fee.
Wednesday lecture series at 1 p.m.
February 16: The Sacred Hunter with Bradley Hunter
Bradley Carleton, author of the “Sacred Hunter” column in The Charlotte News, will explore the spiritual meaning of hunting. Join us for a discussion of how hunting, fishing and foraging can bring us a deeper understanding of our natural world.
February 23: Gardening for the Birds with Charlie Nardozzi
Discover ways to help migrating and overwintering birds by growing the right plants, properly feeding the birds, and providing water, shelter, nesting sites and habitat in our yards. Charlie Nardozzi is a regional Emmy®-award-winning garden writer, speaker, radio and TV personality who has worked more than 30 years bringing expert gardening information to home gardeners.
Ongoing exercise and health classes
We offer daily exercise programs for a wide range of fitness and activity levels. For a complete list of our exercise programs, please check out our website:
Questions? New to the area? Thinking of volunteering?
We would love to meet with you. We are located at 212 Ferry Road, Charlotte.
Hours are Monday to Friday from 9-4. Give us a call at 802-425-6345 or Email Lori York, Director.
Residents from other communities are always welcome. Our mission is to serve those over 50.