Letters to the editor – June 25, 2020
To the editor:
I write this letter to The Charlotte News as a respectful response to the letter of the Rev. Dr. Arnold Thomas in the June 11 Charlotte News.
I won’t argue with the points made by Dr. Thomas under the title “Ongoing Cycle of Violence against Black Americans.” I do think, however, that the writer has omitted important information about past racism and some progress, albeit insufficient, from that racism.
Long gone are the days of radios, and even televisions blaring with black comedians Amos and Andy, or Rochester, Jack Benny’s faithful servant, who always called Benny “boss.” In the 1950s the United States Supreme Court ordered an end to school segregation. That was the real beginning of change.
Then the 1960s flowed with protests, riots and violence–like today–which echoed forever with Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream.” Civil Rights legislation followed. But I’d say the epitome of a multi-racial America shone strongly when Barack Obama was sworn in as president of the United States. A majority of American voters in 2008 were white, and they chose a black American, Barack Obama.
And yet today I don’t hear his name called out as proof that America can rise very nobly from racism. I don’t understand this.
My son Luc is a commander in the U.S. Navy. Some years ago, while in Japan, he met and fell in love with a lovely Japanese girl. They married and are happily so to this day. Imagine. The grandchildren of the most virulent enemies in WWII. Read about what the Japanese did to American prisoners in that war and then reflect on what America did in Japan with the atomic bomb. But, the love of these two ethnically different young people got beyond it.
I think there’s a lesson there for our country today. Listen to the young.
Hon. J. Dennis Delaney, former state senator
To the editor:
White privilege….I feel sad and ashamed that I had no clue the extent to which our black and brown American brothers and sisters have been discriminated against in this country…the home of the free? And the brave? I’ve read stories this week that not only make my hair curl but my heart and soul hurt…how can people, as human beings, be so crass, unfeeling and self-serving to a fellow human simply because their skin color is different than ours…granted, I know I live in a predominantly white state and grew up here, but I was never told nor was I ever taught that another human being was less deserving or less anything than I was…that all of us were equal on this earth, under God…or under whoever or whomever you choose as a higher power …COVID-19 is a nothing compared to this…a vaccine and a cure will ultimately fix CV-19…this is way more important and science can’t fix this…every single one of us, as white individuals, needs to examine their own heart and soul and make sure we each do whatever is in our power to bring about change…people risked their lives to come here to escape oppression in their own country…and now we have created a country where people, with a skin color different than ours, are harassed and belittled on a daily basis? And Vermont is not immune to this…why don’t we have more diversity in this state? Are we, as white Vermonters, part of the problem? Look into your heart…this needs to change!
Trina Bianchi
Dear Charlotte and Hinesburg neighbors,
A couple of weeks ago I filed to run for re-election to the Vermont House from the Chittenden 4-1 legislative district. The Democratic primary will be held on August 11, and the general election will take place on November 3. It has been an honor to serve Charlotte and southwest Hinesburg for the past 10 years, and I’m asking you to grant me that honor once again.
This is a very important election year for several reasons. We are currently dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and the economic fallout that has caused. We are also going through a self-examination of our attitudes towards race and the inequities of the justice system not just in other parts of the country, but here in Vermont as well. At the same time, we cannot forget about the climate change crisis.
In a normal year the Legislature would have adjourned sometime in May. The unusual circumstances facing us this year have extended the session and changed the character of our deliberations beyond anything that we could have predicted when we convened in January. We have, however, persisted to respond to the economic turmoil affecting all Vermonters while balancing the need to address concerns that normally occupy our time.
As a member of the House Energy and Technology Committee I have been and will continue to be focused on policies that will both address climate change and mitigate its effects on Vermont. I have also been working in my committee to expand access to high-speed broadband across the state, the lack of which in many areas has become acute as Vermonters try to work from home and students have been forced to learn from home. The greatest task that the Legislature has faced is determining how to allocate the $1.25 billion of Coronavirus Relief Funds that Vermont received through the federal CARES Act in a way that will get Vermonters and Vermont back on its feet. I ask for your support to allow me to continue working for a Vermont that works for everyone.
Rep. Mike Yantachka
393 Natures Way
Charlotte, VT 05445
(802) 233-5238