News from The News
Elizabeth Langfeldt joins The News as new ad manager
We are pleased to announce that Elizabeth Langfeldt has joined The News team as our new ad manager.
Elizabeth comes to us from the Kelly Brush Foundation where she was the director of development and operations. During her time at the foundation Elizabeth managed the annual Kelly Brush Ride and helped expand the scope of fundraising through national events. Before KBF, Elizabeth worked at several other Vermont organizations including Burlington City Arts and Vermont Public Radio. Elizabeth’s career has focused on organizational development, events, sales and fundraising.
Elizabeth is the youngest of four siblings (three brothers) and was raised just outside of Cleveland, Ohio. She moved to Charlotte in 2008 with her husband, Evan Langfeldt, who is in real estate development and was born and raised in Middlebury. Their daughter, Louisa, a graduate of Charlotte Children’s Center, is currently enrolled in 1st grade at Charlotte Central School and loving it.
When Elizabeth isn’t having her heart broken over the performance (or lack thereof) of her beloved Cleveland sports teams you can find her on Mt. Philo, at the Charlotte Library with her daughter, out sailing on Lake Champlain or skiing at Sugarbush. She is pleased about this opportunity and said “The Charlotte News has the ability to bring our community together in an engaging and thoughtful way. I look forward to playing a part in helping to generate greater awareness of all the interesting people and the events that take place in our wonderful town.” Contact Elizabeth via email.