Charlotte Community Events Aug. 9 edition

Charlotte multi-age coed pickup basketball is back. The floors are refinished! This event is healthy recreation for all who wish to play basketball in a non-coached setting. Serving age range 12 to 65+, but will accommodate as needed. Full-court games of fully mixed ages and abilities. Currently do not allow dunking, but 3 point shots are encouraged. Every Monday and Wednesday night, CCS gym, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Free for all Charlotters and guests. See you there!
The first-ever CVU summer musical, The Lion King, is happening Aug. 11–13. Carl Recchia is choral director at CVU and musical director for this production. His son, Benjamin, is directing. Benjamin directed two shows at CCS, “Peter Pan,” and “Seussical.” Mary Recchia is the costume designer/builder. More information: send an email.
Early soccer registration deadline is Aug. 19. Season starts Sept. 9 and will end Oct. 7. Soccer practices for the teams will be set by the coaches based on their availability. Final registration deadline is Sept. 1. For more information send an email or visit the Town website.
Free market
Spear’s Corner Store is having its first “Free Market on the Green” from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Aug. 19. This once-a-summer event will be a yard sale / free market for anyone wanting to sell anything from jams and crafts to the last bit of goods that didn’t make your spring yard sale. To register, email Emily. Twenty spots are available, and the deadline is Aug. 12.
Summer tai chi
Open to all adults whether beginners or advanced. Designed to keep you engaged and current in your practice. All programs offer a falls-prevention component and are safe for persons with inflammatory joint conditions. Classes will be held on Mondays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. through Aug. 14 at the Charlotte Congregational Church. To register please contact Mary West at (802) 922-0498 or by email.
Morning Music for Little Farmers at Philo Ridge Farm from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Aug. 19. This event is part of Vermont Open Farm Week, a statewide event that provides a behind-the-scenes look into Vermont’s vibrant working agricultural landscape. Rain or shine; advance tickets are encouraged. For more information call (802) 735-6904.
The Charlotte Museum, on the corner of Church Hill Road and Hinesburg Road, will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. each Sunday through Aug. 26. New exhibits this year include a recently acquired portrait of Henry and Elizabeth (Palmer) Thorp, who at one time owned the Thorp Barn in the Charlotte Park & Wildlife Refuge, as well as information and early photographs of the Prindle family, one of Charlotte’s significant early families. This includes Cyrus Guernsey Pringle, renowned botanist who chose to use the old-fashioned surname spelling. For further information, contact Dan Cole at (802) 425-3105 or by email.
Bake off
A maple-themed bake off is scheduled to happen at the East Charlotte Tractor Parade on Oct. 8, hosted by Spear’s Corner Store. Bakers are urged to sign up now. Visitors will judge and vote on their favorite baked good from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Maple syrup (or flavor) must be an ingredient in the baked good. Please register with Emily. Deadline is Oct. 1.
Please email Lynn Monty to list your community event.